您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第02期>>正文内容
韩 煊唐建华项显洲于 玮王怀志
摘 要

(1 北京市勘察设计研究院  100038; 2 北京中建建筑设计院  100073)
【提要】  根据地基与基础的共同作用分析原理,采用SFIA系统,通过对中关村科技大厦的变形分析,较好地预测了建筑物的沉降、差异沉降、基础内力的特征及其分布规律。在此基础上,根据分析建议,设计从多方面采取先进而有效的结构措施调节建筑物的差异沉降和基础内力分布,从而确保了天然地基方案实施的安全和经济,并为施工措施的优化提供了可靠的保证。
【关键词】  高层建筑物  群楼  地基  基础  差异沉降  刚度  结构分析  共同作用
Subsoil and Foundation Interaction Analysis of Zhongguancun Science & Trade Center/Han Xuan1,Tang Jianhua1,Xiang Xianzhou2,Yu Wei1,Wang Huaizhi2(1 Beijing Geotechnical Institute,Beijing 100038,China; 2 Beijing Architectural Design Institute of CSCEC,Beijing 100073,China)
Abstract:Based on the theory of subsoil and foundation interaction analysis,the SFIA soft,developed by the Beijing Geotechnical Institute,has been employed to calculate the settlement of a highrise building of Zhongguancun Science & Trade Center.The influences of the nonlinear behavior of the ground soil,multiple construction phases and structural tiffness have been considered.The distribution of the total settlement,differential settlement,inner force of the foundation of this structure have been predicted successfully,and some suggestions on the methods to adjust and control the differential settlement and inner force of the foundation have been made to the designer based on SFIA analysis.So that a safe and economical foundation design and an optimized construction scheme have been guaranteed for this important building.
Keywords:highrise building;podium;soil;raft foundation;differential settlement;stiffness;interaction;analysis



