- 摘 要
(香港何显毅建筑工程师楼(中国)有限公司 深圳 518001)
【提要】 短肢剪力墙中长厚比小于等于5的墙肢设计是高层住宅设计中经常遇到的问题。从墙体受力特征、SATWE软件的计算结果的角度,阐述了软件中墙肢受压区端部钢筋合力点到受压区边缘的距离aa的取值应该因墙肢长厚比的不同而不同,以及用软件中的相关工具箱进行补
【关键词】 短肢剪力墙 参数aa 配筋率 长厚比
Design of Short Branch Shearwall with Different Ratios of Length to Thickness in Shearwall Structur/Liu Huizhen,Chen Jiehou,Zhang Yuhong(Ho & Partners Architects & Engineers (China) Ltd.,Shenzhen 518001,China)
Abstract:In the highrise shearwall structure,the short branch wall,that the ratio of length to thickness is less than 5,is widely used.Based on the bearing characters and calculation results of SATWE software,the viewpoint that the factor aa should be verified with the different ratios of length to thickness of walls,and the feasibility of complement calculation using relative toolbox in the software is analyzed.The effect of reinforcement ratio of vertical distribution bars on the amount of bar in the end of the wall branch is discussed.The value of factor aa is suggested.
Keywords:short branch shearwall;factor aa;reinforcement ratio;ration of length to thickness;SATWE software