- 摘 要
(中国建筑设计研究院 北京 100044)
【提要】 唐山市国际会展中心展厅采用混凝土巨型框架结构体系,巨型柱为现浇钢筋混凝土框架形成的筒体,大跨度梁采用现浇混凝土箱形截面。采用后张预应力技术,结合后浇带设置与预应力筋连接器,实现了双向大跨度结构、超长预应力筋的分段多次张拉。在设计中还提出了确定超长混凝土楼板在施工阶段和使用阶段中的应力与预应力值的数值计算方法。
【关键词】 巨型框架 大跨度 超长结构 预应力 混凝土收缩应力
Superlength Largespan Prestressed RC Structure of Tangshan International Convention & Exhibition Center/Fan Zhong, Wang Daqing, Tang Jie, You Tianzhi, Bi Lei, Wang Chunguang(China Architecture Design & Research Group, Beijing 100044,China)
Abstract:The megaframe concrete structural system is adopted for the main exhibition hall of Tangshan International Convention & Exhibition Center. The huge columns consist of casein site RC frametube and the largespan beams are made by RC boxsections. Using post tension technique and combining postcast band and prestressed tendon connectors, multisection tension is realized for the twoway large span RC structure. Numerical method for calculating stress and prestressed for superlength RC slabs in both construction and usage is also presented.
Keywords:megaframe;largespan; superlength structure;pre-stressed; shrinkage