您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2006年>> 第01期>>正文内容
郑从立 叶列平
摘 要

(清华大学土木工程系  北京 100084)
【提要】  针对钢梁混凝土墙铰接连接节点中的栓钉预埋件,总结了埋置于混凝土墙中的栓钉的抗拉和抗剪承载力的计算方法,并对栓钉预埋件的受力计算进行了讨论。通过对收集到的国内外29个试验结果的验算,给出了栓钉预埋件的设计计算方法,可供工程设计参考。
【关键词】  混合结构  钢梁混凝土墙节点  栓钉  预埋件  受拉  受剪  承载力
Design Method of the Headed Stud Embedded at the Pinned Joint of Steel Beam to Concrete Wall/Zheng Congli, Ye Lieping(Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084,China)
Abstract:The calculation methods of tensile and shear strength of headed studs embedded in the concrete are summarized. The analysis of the headed stud embedded at the pinned joint of steel beam to concrete wall under external moment and shear forces is discussed. Compared with 29 test results available, the design method is presented.
Keywords:mixed structure;steel beamconcrete wall pinned joint;headed stud; embedded part; tensile;shear;strength



