您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第24期>>正文内容
摘 要

(广州市设计院集团有限公司, 广州 510620)

摘要: 消防车荷载合理取值对结构设计的安全性与经济性影响较大,我国《工程结构通用规范》 (GB 55001—2021)及《建筑结构荷载规范》(GB 50009—2012)规定的消防车等效均布活荷载取值考虑同时作用多辆消防车并按最不利布置工况,适用于消防车登高面或消防车停车区等可能存在多排、多列消防车排布的区域;但对于常见的消防车单车道以及板块上仅作用有局部消防车轮压的情况,荷载取值往往偏大。 综合考虑楼板跨度、单车道相对板跨位置及常见的覆土厚度等因素影响,采用有限单元法确定消防单车道的等效均布活荷载取值。 结果表明:在单车道消防车轮压荷载作用下,最不利布置等效均布活荷载随着板跨增大而减小,也随着覆土厚度增大而减小;随着车道布置由板跨边往板跨内移动,等效均布活荷载不断增大,直到移动到最不利布置位置。

关键词: 消防车; 单车道; 等效均布活荷载; 最不利布置

中图分类号:TU312+. 1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)24-0035-04

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. ZJ220101

Study on equivalent uniform live load for single lane of fire engine

PENG Shuili

(Guangzhou Design Institute Group Co. , Ltd. , Guangzhou 510620, China)

Abstract: The reasonable value of fire engine load has a great impact on the safety and economy of structural design. Theequivalent uniform live load of fire engines specified in the General code for engineering structures (GB 55001—2021) andLoad code for the design of building structures (GB 50009—2012) considers the simultaneous action of multiple fire enginesand the most unfavorable layout conditions, which is applicable to areas where there may be multiple rows and multipletrains of fire engines, such as fire engines climbing site or fire engines parking area. However, for the common single laneof fire engines and the case where only local fire engine wheel pressure is acting on the plate, the load value is often toolarge. Considering the influence of floor span, the position of single lane relative to the floor span and the common thicknessof covering soil, the equivalent uniformly distributed live load of fire engine single lane was determined by finite elementmethod. The results show that under the pressure load of fire engine wheels on a single lane, the equivalent uniformlydistributed live load of the most unfavorable layout decreases with the increase of floor span, and also decreases with theincrease of soil cover thickness; As the lane layout moves from the edge of the floor span to the inside of the floor span, theequivalent uniformly distributed live load increases continuously until it moves to the most unfavorable layout position.

Keywords:fire engine; single lane; equivalent uniform live load; most unfavorable layout

第一作者:彭水力,硕士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师、注册土木工程师(岩土),主要从事建筑结构设计工作,Email:shuilipeng@ 163. com。

[引用本文] 彭水力. 单车道消防车等效均布活荷载取值研究[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(24):35-38,113. PENGShuili. Study on equivalent uniform live load for single lane of fire engine [ J]. Building Structure,2022,52( 24):35-38,113.



