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某 8 度区近断层甲类建筑基础隔震分析与设计
辛 力,杨 琦,段成刚,荆 罡,史生志
摘 要

(中国建筑西北设计研究院有限公司,西安 710018)

摘要: 以 8 度区西安市疾病预防控制中心病毒实验楼为研究对象,分析了近断层地震动特性及其对隔震结构的不利影响,确定了甲类建筑基础隔震设计所需的地震动参数和抗震性能目标。对比了橡胶隔震支座、橡胶隔震支座+黏滞阻尼器、橡胶隔震支座+黏滞阻尼器+滑板隔震支座三种隔震层设计方案,研究了黏滞阻尼器和滑板隔震支座对隔震层的影响。表明黏滞阻尼器能够有效控制隔震层在大震作用下的位移。根据分析结果选择橡胶隔震支座+黏滞阻尼器+滑板隔震支座的隔震方案。上部结构分别采用直接分析法和传统水平向减震系数法相融合的设计方法进行设计,通过楼层剪力对比验证该方法的合理性。采用 PERFORM 3D 软件对隔震结构进行了大震作用下的抗震性能评估,结果表明结构完全满足罕遇地震可修、极罕遇地震不倒的性能目标。

关键词: 8 度区; 近断层; 甲类建筑; 基础隔震; 黏滞阻尼器; 隔震结构; 振型分解反应谱法; 弹塑性分析

中图分类号:TU352.12 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)19-0124-08

DOI:10.19701 / j.jzjg.LS210269

Base isolation analysis and design of a class A building near fault in 8 degree area

XIN Li,YANG Qi,DUAN Chenggang,JING Gang,SHI Shengzhi

(China Northwest Building Design & Research Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Xi.an 710018,China)

Abstract: The characteristics of near-fault ground motions and their adverse effects on isolated structures were analyzed bytaking a virus laboratory building of the Xi’an Center for Disease Control and Prevention in 8 degree area as the researchobject. The ground motions parameters and seismic performance objectives for the base-isolated design of the class Abuildings were also determined. The three seismic isolation interface design schemes were discussed including rubberseismic isolator,rubber seismic isolator + viscous damper,rubber seismic isolator + viscous damper + sliding plate seismicisolator,and the influence of viscous dampers and sliding plate seismic isolators on the seismic isolation interface wasresearched. The results show that the viscous dampers can effectively decrease the displacement of the seismic isolationinterface under rare earthquake. According to the analysis results,the scheme of rubber seismic isolator + viscous dampers +sliding plate seismic isolator was adopted. The combination of direct analysis method and traditional horizontal dampingcoefficient method was adopted for the design of the upper structure. The rationality of this method was verified bycomparing the inter-story shear force of floor. The seismic performance of the isolated structure was evaluated using thePERFORM 3D software. The results that the structures fully satisfy repairable under rare earthquake and no collapse duringvery rare earthquake.

Keywords:8 degree area; near-fault; class A building; base isolation; viscous damper; seismic isolation structure; moderesponse spectrum method; elastoplastic analysis

第一作者:辛力,博士,教授级高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事工程抗震研究,Email: xinli1129@ sina. com。

[引用本文] 辛力,杨琦,段成刚,等. 某 8 度区近断层甲类建筑基础隔震分析与设计[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(19):124-131. XIN Li,YANG Qi,DUAN Chenggang,et al. Base isolation analysis and design of a class A building nearfault in 8 degree area[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(19):124-131.



