您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第23期>>正文内容
程 健, 蔡东阳, 吴卫强, 田 杨
摘 要

(浙江省省直建筑设计院有限公司, 杭州 310030)

摘要: 丽水莲都灵山未来社区 37#、38#公寓式酒店为非对称连体高层建筑,顶部 5 ~ 6 层设置了连接体,下部一些楼层设有斜柱,局部楼层收进较多,导致结构非常不规则,属于超限高层建筑。 以 38#楼为例介绍该项目的抗震性能化设计情况,采用 YJK 和 MIDAS Gen 软件对整体结构进行了小震和中震弹性分析,采用 SAUSG 软件进行了中震和大震弹塑性分析,并对连接体、斜柱、楼板、节点等进行了专项分析。 分析结果表明,大震作用下,连接体底部的型钢转换桁架和关键节点均保持弹性,桁架转换层的楼板出现了不同程度的损伤,其余楼层楼板基本无受压损伤;中震作用下,斜柱未出现损伤,大震作用下,个别斜柱出现轻微损伤;结构整体指标合理,损伤和耗能情况良好,能够满足预设的抗震性能目标。

关键词: 超限高层建筑; 连体结构; 楼板; 斜柱; 抗震性能化设计; 动力弹塑性分析

中图分类号:TU973 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)23-0078-09

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20211777

Conjoined structure design of Lingshan future community project in Liandu District in Lishui

CHENG Jian, CAI Dongyang, WU Weiqiang, TIAN Yang

(Zhejiang Provincial-Subordinate Architectural Design Co. , Ltd. , Hangzhou 310030, China)

Abstract: No. 37 and No. 38 hotel service apartments of Lingshan future community in Liandu District in Lishui areasymmetric conjoined high-rise buildings. The connector is set on the top 5~ 6 floors,some inclined columns are set on thelower floors, and partial floors have large-size setbacks. This causes serious irregularities of the structure, and these twobuildings belong to out-of-code high-rise building. Taking No. 38 building as an example, the performance-based seismicdesign of the project was introduced. YJK and MIDAS Gen software were used to conduct elastic analysis of the wholestructure under frequent and fortification earthquakes, SAUSG software was used to conduct elastic-plastic analysis underfortification and rare earthquakes,and special analysis was conducted on connectors, inclined columns, floor slabs, joints,etc. The analysis results show that the steel structure transfer truss and key joints at the bottom of the connector remainelastic under the rare earthquake, and the floor slab of the truss transfer floor is damaged to varying degrees, while the floorslabs of the other floors are basically free of compression damage. Under the action of fortification earthquake, the inclinedcolumns are not damaged, and under the rare earthquake, some inclined columns are slightly damaged. The structure hasreasonable overall indexes, good damage and energy dissipation, and can meet the preset seismic performance targets.

Keywords:out-of-code high-rise building; conjoined structure; floor slab; inclined column; performance-based seismicdesign; dynamic elastic-plastic analysis

第一作者:程健,硕士,正高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,咨询工程师,主要从事建筑结构设计与咨询工作,Email:16468204@ qq. com。

[引用本文] 程健,蔡东阳,吴卫强,等. 丽水莲都灵山未来社区项目连体结构设计[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(23):78-86. CHENG Jian,CAI Dongyang,WU Weiqiang,et al. Conjoined structure design of Lingshan future community projectin Liandu District in Lishui[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(23):78-86.



