您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第23期>>正文内容
覃建华, 周 斌, 陈 琳
摘 要

(深圳市建筑设计研究总院有限公司, 深圳 518031)

摘要: 深港开放创新中心由西至东跌落退台,逐渐收进,中部形成中央庭院,中庭区域通过室内连廊和观光楼梯相连,两栋塔楼分别在低区 3~ 4 层、高区 11~ 14 层通过三座跨 2 层高和一个跨 4 层高的连廊连接。 结构存在扭转不规则及偏心布置、凹凸不规则等 6 个不规则项,属于高层超限结构。 简要介绍了项目的整体情况,重点叙述了设计关键点:跨地块连廊分析、大跨转换桁架分析、斜柱和分叉柱分析等;同时进行了小震、中震弹性、大震弹塑性分析,并对分析结果提出了针对性的加强措施。 通过基于抗震性能的分析,工程满足“小震不坏、中震可修、大震不倒”设防目标要求,可以实现预期的抗震性能目标 C 级要求。

关键词: 深港开放创新中心; 连体结构; 高层超限结构; 跨地块连廊; 大跨转换桁架; 斜柱; 分叉柱;性能目标

中图分类号:TU973. 3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)23-0069-08

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. LS210210

Connected structure design of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Open Innovation Center

QIN Jianhua, ZHOU Bin, CHEN Lin

(Shenzhen General Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co. , Ltd. , Shenzhen 518031, China)

Abstract: Shenzhen-Hong Kong Open Innovation Centre fell back from west to east and gradually in, form the centralcourtyard, central atrium area is connected by an indoor corridor and a sightseeing staircase, and the two tower buildingsrespectively in low area 3 ~ 4 layers, high area 11 ~ 14 layer through three across different 2 floors and a nest of 4 floorsconnection. The structure has 6 irregularity items such as torsion irregularity and eccentricity arrangement, concave-convexirregularity etc. , which belongs to the over-limited high-rise structure. The overall situation of the project was brieflyintroduced, and the key points of the design were described with emphasis on: cross-block corridor analysis, large-spanconversion truss analysis, inclined column and bifurcated column analysis, etc. At the same time, small earthquake, mediumearthquake elasticity and large earthquake elastic-plastic analysis were carried out, and the corresponding strengtheningmeasures were proposed for the analysis results. Through the analysis based on the seismic performance, the project meets thefortification target requirements of " not bad under small earthquake, repairable under medium earthquake, not collapse underlarge earthquake" , and can achieve the expected seismic performance target class C requirements.

Keywords:Shenzhen-Hong Kong Open Innovation Centre; connected structure; out-of-code high-rise structure; cross-blockcorridor; large-span conversion truss; inclined column; bifurcated column; performance objective

第一作者:覃建华,学士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事建筑结构设计工作,Email:332972135@ qq. com。

[引用本文] 覃建华,周斌,陈琳. 深港开放创新中心连体结构设计[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52( 23):69-77. QINJianhua,ZHOU Bin,CHEN Lin. Connected structure design of Shenzhen-Hong Kong Open Innovation Center[J]. BuildingStructure,2022,52(23):69-77.



