您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第23期>>正文内容
刘云浪, 傅学怡, 吴国勤, 李建伟, 张 鑫
摘 要

(悉地国际设计顾问 (深圳) 有限公司, 深圳 518048)

摘要: 地处高烈度区的昆明华润万象城由 1 栋高 296. 9m 超高层办公塔楼(T1 塔楼)、1 栋高 192. 3m 超高层公寓塔楼(T2 塔楼)和 6 层商业裙房组成,T1 塔楼及裙房均采用减震技术。 基于最优原则,从整体结构到构件层面进行了一系列选型以确定结构设计方案:对比不同防震缝的布置方式,对 T1 塔楼结构体系、加强层伸臂桁架与加强层环桁架、外框柱、荷载、楼面梁等进行详细分析及选型;对 T2 塔楼结构体系、钢斜撑及加强层、外框柱转换方式等进行详细分析及选型。 同时对高烈度区大高宽比的超高层结构的基础设计、剪力墙设计、内嵌钢斜撑搭接块设计等进行专项分析,有针对性地采取了加强措施。 结果表明结构具有良好刚度与强度,满足规范各项指标要求,工程安全性、经济、合理。

关键词: 高烈度区; 超高层结构; 防震缝; 加强层; 斜撑框架-核心筒结构; 内嵌钢斜撑搭接块

中图分类号:TU973 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)23-0056-06

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. LS210393

Design key points of out-of-code structure on Kunming China Resources Mixc

LIU Yunlang, FU Xueyi, WU Guoqin, LI Jianwei, ZHANG Xin

(CCDI International (Shenzhen) Design Consultants Co. , Ltd. , Shenzhen 518048, China)

Abstract: Located in high earthquake intensity, Kunming China Resources Mixc consists of a 296. 9m high super high-riseoffice building(T1 tower), a 192. 3m high super high-rise apartment building(T2 tower) and 6-story commercial podium,and energy dissipation technology was used in the T1 tower and podium. Based on the optimal principle, a series ofselections were carried out from the overall structure to the component level to determine the structural design scheme. Thelayout of different seismic joints were compared, and the T1 tower structure system, outrigger truss and belt truss ofreinforced story, outer frame column, load, beam, etc. were analyzed and selected in detail. The T2 tower structuresystem, steel inclined brace and reinforced story, transfer type of outer frame column etc. were analyzed and selected indetail. At the same time, the foundation design, shear wall design and steel concealed inclined bracing lap block design ofsuper high-rise structure with large height-width ratio in high earthquake intensity were analyzed, and take targetedmeasures to strengthen. The results show that the structure has good rigidity and strength, meets the requirements of thespecifications, and is safe, economical and reasonable.

Keywords:high earthquake intensity; super high-rise structure; seismic joint; reinforced story; brace-frame core wallstructure; steel concealed inclined bracing lap block

第一作者:刘云浪,硕士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事高层、大跨建筑设计研究,Email:liu. yunlang@ ccdi.com. cn。

[引用本文] 刘云浪,傅学怡,吴国勤,等. 昆明华润万象城超限结构设计要点[J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(23):56-61.LIU Yunlang,FU Xueyi, WU Guoqin, et al. Design key points of out-of-code structure on Kunming China ResourcesMixc[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(23):56-61.



