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带有盖板的 H及型有钢限梁元柱分弱析轴连接节点试验
苏 磊1,曹志亮2,林海鹏3,刘步芳1
摘 要

(1 北京市住宅产业化集团股份有限公司,北京 100071; 2 北京建谊投资发展 (集团) 有限公司,北京 100071; 3 中国建筑科学研究院有限公司,北京 100020)

摘要: 为研究 H 型钢梁柱的弱轴连接节点的性能,对有盖板的 H 型钢梁柱弱轴连接节点以及梁柱是否偏心节点进行了试验研究和有限元校核模拟,并对 8 组盖板参数不同的梁柱连接节点的受力性能进行有限元分析。研究结果表明:无偏心和偏心弱轴连接节点的试验现象分别为梁翼缘至腹板的开裂和悬臂梁段的平面外失稳;有限元的分析结果与试验结果吻合较好,能够正确反映节点的受力情况;盖板的高度能够一定程度地加强节点的初始转动刚度;盖板能够明显改善钢柱节点域的局部应力集中,加强节点的刚度,并提升柱的屈服承载力;偏心弱轴连接节点在有、无盖板的情况下可分别视作刚性连接节点和半刚性连接节点;盖板的设置能够显著地提升节点的转动刚度和耗能能力。

关键词: H 型钢梁柱节点; 弱轴加盖板; 弱轴连接节点; 偏心节点; 受力性能

中图分类号:TU391 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)19-0098-07

DOI:10.19701 / j.jzjg.YG220784

Test and finite element analysis on H-shaped steel beam-to-columnconnection with cover plate in the weak axis

SU Lei1,CAO Zhiliang2,LIN Haipeng3,LIU Bufang1

(1 Beijing Building Industrialization Group Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing 100071,China; 2 Beijing Jianyi Investment Development(Group) Co. ,Ltd. ,Beijing 100071,China; 3 China Academy of Building Research,Beijing 100020,China)

Abstract: In order to explore the mechanic performance of H-shaped steel beam-to-column connection in the weak axis,theeccentricity and non-eccentricity of H-shaped steel beam-to-column connection with cover plate in the weak axis werestudied by testing and numericial simulation,in which case the finite element analysis in 8 gourps of the beam-to-columnconnections with different parameters at cover plate was conducted for mechanical performance research. The results showthat: the experimental phenomena of the eccentricity and non-eccentricity connection were the cracks from the flange to theweb and the out-of-plane instability of the cantilever beam segment; the finite element analysis results are in good agreementwith the experimental results,which can correctly reflect the mechanical performance of connections; the height of the coverplate can strengthen the initial rotational stiffness of the connection to a small extent; the cover plate can significantlyalleviate stress concentration problem in panel zone,enhance the stiffness of the connection and the yield capacity of thecolumn; the eccentric connection in weak axis with and without cover plate shall be regarded as rigid connection andsemi-rigid connection respectively; the installation of cover plate can obviously improve rotational stiffness and the energydissipation capacity.

Keywords:H-shaped steel beam-to-column connection; the cover plate in weak axis; connection node in weak axis;eccentricity node; mechanical performance

第一作者:苏磊,博士,高级工程师,主要从事钢结构领域的设计工作,Email:sageyou@ 163. com。

[引用本文]苏磊,曹志亮,林海鹏,等. 带有盖板的 H 型钢梁柱弱轴连接节点试验及有限元分析[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(19):98-104. SU Lei,CAO Zhiliang,LIN Haipeng,et al. Test and finite element analysis on H-shaped steelbeam-to-column connection with cover plate in the weak axis[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(19):98-104.



