您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第22期>>正文内容
龚灵力, 阳 波, 李 鹏, 刘建文
摘 要

(湖南省建筑设计院集团股份有限公司, 长沙 410012)

摘要: 长沙某大型综合性办公楼,高 56. 8m,主体采用钢筋混凝土框架-剪力墙结构,因同时存在扭转不规则、楼板不连续、竖向构件间断以及局部夹层、穿层柱等多项不规则,为超限高层结构。 其中因建筑功能需求存在 33. 6m 大跨转换钢桁架,是本工程设计的重点与难点。 基于项目特点及不规则项,制定了相应的抗震性能化设计目标与加强措施,并对结构总体抗震性能以及大跨转换钢桁架的大震性能、关键节点、振动舒适度做了专项分析。 结果表明,结构抗震性能满足预设的性能目标要求,同时大跨转换钢桁架各项性能均表现良好。

关键词: 超限高层结构; 转换钢桁架; 关键节点; 抗震性能; 舒适度

中图分类号:TU398+. 2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)22-0016-07

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. ZJ220053

Design of a large-span transfer out-of-code high-rise structure in Changsha

GONG Lingli, YANG Bo, LI Peng, LIU Jianwen

(Hunan Architectural Design Institute Group Co. , Ltd. , Changsha 410012, China)

Abstract: A large-scale comprehensive office building in Changsha is 56. 8m high, which adopts reinforced concrete frameshear wall structure. It is an out-of-code high-rise structure because of the existence of torsion irregularity, floordiscontinuity, vertical member discontinuity, local interlayer, through floor column and many other irregularities. Amongthem, 33. 6m long-span transfer steel truss is the focus and difficulty of the project design due to the functional requirementsof the building. Based on the project characteristics and irregularities, the corresponding seismic performance-based designobjectives and strengthening measures were formulated, and the overall seismic performance of the structure and the largeseismic performance, key nodes, and vibration comfort of the large-span transfer steel truss were specially analyzed. Theresults show that the seismic performance of the structure meets the preset performance target requirements, and theperformance of the long-span transfer steel truss is good.

Keywords:out-of-code high-rise structure; transfer steel truss; key node; seismic performance; comfort


第一作者:龚灵力,博士,高级工程师,主要从事复杂结构设计及结构参数化方面研究,Email:8761266@ qq. com。

[引用本文] 龚灵力,阳波,李鹏,等. 长沙某大跨转换超限高层结构设计[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(22):16-22,107.GONG Lingli,YANG Bo,LI Peng,et al. Design of a large-span transfer out-of-code high-rise structure in Changsha[ J].Building Structure,2022,52(22):16-22,107.



