- 摘 要
(gad 杰地设计.浙江绿城建筑设计有限公司,杭州 310007)
摘要: 温州鹿城广场超高层塔楼位于沿海低烈度台风高发区,采用框架-核心筒-伸臂桁架(环带桁架)结构体系,外框架为型钢混凝土柱和钢梁、混凝土梁,与钢筋混凝土核心筒组成双重抗侧力体系;塔楼采用嵌岩超长桩与非嵌岩短桩组成的长短桩基础。针对项目特点和超限情况,介绍了结构选型及布置,并进行了抗风设计、小震弹性分析、大震弹塑性分析、施工模拟分析及关键节点有限元分析等。分析结果表明,核心筒采用斜墙方式收进,可增加使用面积提高经济效益,并避免结构刚度突变引起的内力集中;在沿海低烈度台风多发区,必须重视针对风荷载的建筑体型优化;风荷载起控制作用时,可将设防烈度提高 1 度进行罕遇地震弹塑性分析,以寻找结构薄弱部位及可能的破坏类型并予以加强。
关键词: 温州鹿城广场; 低烈度台风区; 超高层结构; 伸臂桁架; 核心筒斜墙收进; 抗风体型优化; 抗震性能化设计
中图分类号:TU318+. 1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)19-0001-08
DOI:10.19701 / j.jzjg.gad2221
Structural design of super high-rise tower of Wenzhou Lucheng Plazain low-intensity and typhoon-prone regions
LI Baozhong,WANG Xin,LI Gen,ZHONG Zhouneng,WANG Shan,
(gad.Zhejiang Greenton Architectural Design Co. ,Ltd. ,Hangzhou 310007,China)
Abstract: The super tall tower of Wenzhou Lucheng Plaza is located in low-intensity and typhoon-prone coastal areas. Thetower will be consisted of a dual system of the reinforced concrete central core with composite perimeter moment frame andoutrigger truss(belt truss) system,and the perimeter frame consists of SRC column,steel beam and concrete beam. Thefoundation system is long-short-pile foundation with hon-rock-socketed short piles and rock-socketed long piles. In responseto out-of-code situations,the selection and arrangement of structure were introduced,further calculation analyses on thestructure were conducted including the wind resistance design,the elastic analysis under frequently occurred earthquake,elastic-plastic analysis under rare earthquake,construction simulation analysis,key nodes finite element method analysis.The analysis results show that the core tube is retracted by inclined wall,which can increase the service area,improve theeconomic benefit,and avoid the internal force concentration caused by the sudden change of structural stiffness; inlow-intensity and typhoon-prone regions,it is necessary to pay attention to the optimization of building shape according towind load. When the wind load plays a control role,the seismic intensity can be increased by 1 degree upon precautionaryearthquake to conduct the elastic-plastic analysis under rare earthquakes,so as to find the weak parts of the structure andpossible damage types and strengthen them.
Keywords:Wenzhou Lucheng Plaza; low-intensity and typhoon-prone region; super high-rise structure; outrigger; coretube retracted by inclined wall; shape optimization for wind load; performance-based seismic design
第一作者:李保忠,博士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事结构设计工作,Email: libaozhong@ gad. com. cn。
[引用本文] 李保忠,王昕,李根,等. 温州鹿城广场低烈度台风区超高层塔楼结构设计[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(19):1-8. LI Baozhong,WANG Xin,LI Gen,et al. Structural design of super high-rise tower of Wenzhou Lucheng Plaza inlow-intensity and typhoon-prone regions[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(19):1-8.