您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第17期>>正文内容
杨 坚,杨 坤,张汉龙
摘 要

(广州珠江外资建筑设计院有限公司,广州 510060)

摘要: 东西汇连体双塔的塔楼高度分别为 119、167.3m,高位连接体跨度约 70m,塔楼与塔楼之间及塔楼与连接体之间的主抗侧力角度均有夹角,为高位大跨度斜交连体超限结构.主体双塔分别采用框架-剪力墙结构体系、框架-核心筒结构体系,连接体为钢桁架体系.根据结构的超限情况合理选取抗震性能化设计目标,详细论述了连接体对两塔楼动力特性的影响,对超长钢结构连接体进行温度应力分析、抗连续倒塌分析、竖向振动舒适度分析、施工模拟分析并且介绍了连接体关键节点的设计.根据结构特点采取了有针对性的加强措施.结果表明,各项指标均良好,结构能实现设定的抗震性能目标.

关键词: 超限高层结构;复杂连体结构;竖向振动舒适度;抗连续倒塌分析

中图分类号:TU318 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)17-0078-07

DOI:10.19701 / j.jzjg.20201407

Design of high-level large-span skew towers linked with connective structure of Dongxihui

YANG Jian,YANG Kun,ZHANG Hanlong

(Guangzhou Pearl River Foreign Investment Architectural Designing Institute Co. ,Ltd. ,Guangzhou 510060,China)

Abstract: The tower heights of the Dongxihui conjoined twin towers are 119 and 167.3m respectively,and the span of thehigh-level linker is about 70m. There is an angle between the two towers and between the tower and the connector. It is ahigh-rise large-span skew connected structure. The main twin towers adopt the frame-shear wall structure system and theframe-core tube structure system respectively,and the linker adopts steel truss system. According to the out-of-codecondition of the structure,the seismic performance design target was selected reasonably. The influence of the linker on thedynamic characteristics of the two towers was discussed in detail. The temperature stress analysis,anti-continuous collapseanalysis,vertical vibration comfort analysis,construction simulation analysis were carried out on the super-long steelstructure linker,and the design of the key joints of the linker was introduced. According to the structural characteristics,targeted strengthening measures were taken. The results show that all the indexes perform well and the structure can achievethe seismic performance target.

Keywords: out-of-code high-rise structure;complex conjoined structure;vertical vibration comfort;anti-continuouscollapse analysis

第一作者:杨坚,学士,教授级高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,一级注册土木工程师(岩土),主要从事建筑结构设计工作,Email:yangj@ pearl-river. com.

[引用本文] 杨坚,杨坤,张汉龙. 东西汇双塔高位大跨度斜交连体结构设计[J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(17):78-84.YANG Jian,YANG Kun,ZHANG Hanlong. Design of high-level large-span skew towers linked with connective structure ofDongxihui[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(17):78-84.



