您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第17期>>正文内容
孙 浩1,2,胡 佶2,李立树2,陈光远2
摘 要

(1 中国建筑第八工程局有限公司,上海 201206;2 华东建筑设计研究院有限公司,上海 200002)


摘要: 主要阐述了中国-欧洲-摩洛哥抗震设计方法,从抗震设防目标、建筑结构重要性类别划分、场地类别、反应谱曲线、设防目标设计方法等方面对比了三个国家的抗震设计方法.通过摩洛哥具体超高层项目案例,对中国-欧洲-摩洛哥三本规范的地震反应谱进行了对比分析.分析结果表明:EC8 抗规地震影响系数在下降段的衰减比RPS2011 抗规和 10 抗规要快地多,在结构周期 T1= 5.6s 时,RPS2011 抗规的计算结果略高于 10 抗规上海中震水平.中国-欧洲-摩洛哥三本规范在摩洛哥均有使用,且存在相互参考借鉴的情况,中国工程师应从宏观的角度进行概念把控,综合考虑当地标准及相关国际标准.


关键词: 规范对比;抗震设计方法;中国抗规;欧洲抗规;摩洛哥抗规;抗震设防目标


中图分类号:TU318 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)17-0032-07


DOI:10.19701 / j.jzjg.20200842


Comparative study on China-Europe-Morocco seismic design methods


SUN Hao1,2,HU Ji2,LI Lishu2,CHEN Guangyuan2


(1 China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co. ,Ltd. ,Shanghai 201206,China;2 East China Architectural Design & Research Institute,Shanghai 200002,China)


Abstract: The seismic design methods of China-Europe-Morocco were mainly expounded. The seismic design methods ofthe three countries in terms of seismic fortification objectives,classification of building structure importance,sitecategories,response spectrum curves and fortification target design methods were compared. Through the case of a specificsuper high-rise project in Morocco,the seismic response spectrum of the three codes of China-Europe-Morocco wascompared and analyzed. The analysis results show that the attenuation of the seismic influence coefficient of the Europeanseismic code EC8 in the descending section is much faster than that of the Moroccan seismic code RPS2011 and the Chineseseismic code. When the structural period T1= 5.6s,the calculation result of the Moroccan seismic code is slightly higherthan that of Shanghai under the seismic precautionary intensity. The three specifications of China-Europe-Morocco are allused in Morocco,and there is a situation of mutual reference. Chinese engineers should control the concept from a macroperspective,comprehensively consider local standards and relevant international standards.


Keywords:normative comparison;seismic design methods;Chinese seismic code;European seismic code;Moroccanseismic code;seismic fortification target


第一作者:孙浩,硕士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,注册土木工程师(岩土),主要从事超高层结构设计、钢结构设计、EPC 项目管理,Email:371084552@ qq. com.


[引用本文] 孙浩,胡佶,李立树,等. 中国-欧洲-摩洛哥抗震设计方法对比研究[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52( 17):32-38,84. SUN Hao,HU Ji,LI Lishu,et al. Comparative study on China-Europe-Morocco seismic design methods[ J].Building Structure,2022,52(17):32-38,84.



