您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第16期>>正文内容
安海玉1,2, 郑子硕1, 曹 宇2, 李晓峰3, 王 伟3
摘 要

(1 天津大学建筑工程学院, 天津 300072; 2 天津大学建筑设计规划研究总院有限公司, 天津300073; 3 北京中铁诺德房地产开发有限公司, 北京 100071)


摘要: 为研究新型钢筋桁架纤维水泥叠合板的受弯性能,对 3 块不同参数的叠合板试件进行静力加载试验,研究了施工阶段叠合板骨架体系的受力及变形特征,分析了使用阶段不同配筋形式试件的破坏形态、荷载⁃应变关系、承载力以及挠度变化. 试验结果表明,施工阶段叠合板骨架自身刚度良好,可免设或少设临时支撑;使用阶段横向分布筋能够约束混凝土裂缝发展及叠合面粘结滑移,使纤维水泥板和混凝土板共同受力,提高了构件开裂、屈服及极限荷载;纤维水泥板在各阶段能有效承担和传递荷载,提高楼板整体刚度和承载能力;拼缝截面作为钢筋屈曲和混凝土最先开裂的薄弱处,应设置附加钢筋等构造措施.


关键词: 钢筋桁架纤维水泥叠合板; 配筋形式; 受弯性能; 混凝土裂缝; 粘结滑移


中图分类号:TU375. 2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002⁃848X(2022)16⁃0074⁃05


DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. LS202031


Experimental study on flexural performance of reinforced truss fiber cement composite slabs


AN Haiyu1,2, ZHENG Zishuo1, CAO Yu2, LI Xiaofeng3, WANG Wei3


(1 School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; 2 Tianjin University Research Instituteof Architectural Design & Urban Planning Co. , Ltd. , Tianjin 300073, China; 3 Beijing China Railway Nord RealEstate Development Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100071, China)


Abstract: In order to study the flexural performance of the new reinforced truss fiber cement composite slab, threecomposite slab specimens with different parameters were subjected to static loading tests, the mechanical and deformationcharacteristics of the composite slab frame system were investigated during the construction stage, and the failure pattern,load⁃strain relationship, bearing capacity and deflection changes of specimens with different reinforcement types wereanalyzed during the service stage. The test results show that the rigidity of the truss slab frame itself is good during theconstruction stage, and temporary supports can be omitted or lessened. The transverse distribution of reinforcement duringthe service stage can restrain the development of concrete cracks and the bonding and slippage of the stacked surface, whichmakes the fiber cement board and the concrete plate jointly stressed and improves the cracking, yielding and ultimate loadof the component. The fiber cement board can effectively bear and transmit the load in each phase and improve the overallrigidity and bearing capacity of the slab. The joint section is a weak point where the reinforcement buckles and the concretefirst cracks and it should be reinforced with additional reinforcement and other structural measures.


Keywords:reinforced truss fiber cement composite slab; reinforcement form; flexural performance; concrete crack; bond slip


第一作者:安海玉,硕士,研究员,一级注册结构工程师,硕士生导师,主要从事复杂结构分析及减隔震设计工作,Email:ahy0036@ sina. com.


[引用本文] 安海玉,郑子硕,曹宇,等. 钢筋桁架纤维水泥叠合板受弯性能试验研究[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(16):74⁃78,131. AN Haiyu,ZHENG Zishuo,CAO Yu,et al. Experimental study on flexural performance of reinforcedtruss fiber cement composite slabs[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(16):74⁃78,131.



