您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第16期>>正文内容
高德志1, 毕 鹏1, 刘 艳2
摘 要

(1 北京迈达斯技术有限公司, 北京 100073; 2 战略支援部队某部, 北京 100000)


摘要: 弹塑性时程分析中,地震波的合理性和准确性对计算结果影响较大. 为了合理地选取地震波,需要对地震波的特性有一定的了解. 对地震三要素中幅值、持时和频谱特性的各自特点以及定义方法进行了详细阐述,并且综合叙述对比了各国多种选波方法. 同时,简要介绍了国内常用的双频段选波法和规范 ASCE/ SEI 7⁃16 选波法.最后提出了一套可行选波流程,为工程师选取地震波提供参考.


关键词: 弹塑性时程分析; 地震三要素; 选波方法对比; 选波流程


中图分类号:TU318+. 1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002⁃848X(2022)16⁃0067⁃07


DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20210300


Comparison of the selection methods of seismic waves in time⁃history analysis by national codes


GAO Dezhi1, BI Peng1, LIU Yan2


(1 MIDAS Information Technology (Beijing) Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100073, China;2 Strategic Support Forces, Beijing 100000, China)


Abstract:In the elastic⁃plastic time analysis, the reasonableness and accuracy of the selected seismic waves have a largeimpact on the calculation results. In order to select a reasonable seismic wave, a clear understanding of the characteristicsof seismic waves was required. The characteristics and definition methods of amplitude, holding time and spectralcharacteristics were elaborated respectively, which are known as the three elements of earthquake. Furthermore, acomprehensive description and comparison of various wave selection methods were presented in various countries. At thesame time, the commonly used dual⁃band seismic wave selection method and the standard ASCE/ SEI 7⁃16 wave selectionmethod were briefly introduced. Finally, a feasible process of selecting seismic wave was given, which provides a referencefor engineers to select seismic wave.


Keywords:elasto⁃plastic time analysis; three elements of earthquake; wave selection methods comparison; selectingseismic wave process


第一作者:高德志,学士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事建筑结构设计及结构分析设计软件研发等研究,Email:gdz547@ 126. com.


[引用本文] 高德志,毕鹏,刘艳. 各国规范关于时程分析中地震波选取方法的对比[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(16):67⁃73 . GAO Dezhi,BI Peng,LIU Yan,et al. Comparison of the selection methods of seismic waves in time⁃historyanalysis by national codes [J]. Building Structure,2022,52(16):67⁃73.



