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深厚软土 6 层地下室深大基坑对邻近地铁隧道影响控制技术∗
刘兴旺1, 李冰河1, 陈卫林2, 毛海和3, 张 戈3, 孙政波1
摘 要

(1 浙江省建筑设计研究院, 杭州 310006; 2 浙江盛院建设工程施工图审查中心, 杭州 310006;3 北京城建设计发展集团股份有限公司杭州分公司, 杭州 310017)

摘要: 杭州中心项目位于杭州市武林广场核心商圈,设 6 层地下室,基坑开挖深度约 30. 2 ~ 36. 0m,紧邻地铁 1 号线和 3 号线盾构隧道。 针对该工程所面临的深厚软土深大基坑变形控制和敏感设施保护难题,综合采取了地下室平面及竖向优化布置、分坑施工、软土时空效应定量控制等多种技术。 介绍了该项目基坑支护设计与施工要点,总结了该深大基坑施工过程中的围护体系和邻近地铁设施的变形发展规律,分析了软土地基超深基坑变形性状。 结果表明,地下结构施工全部完成后成功地将邻近盾构隧道的水平变形、竖向变形及水平收敛变形均控制在 5mm 之内,满足要求。

关键词: 深厚软土; 深大基坑; 时空效应; 分坑施工; 地铁保护

中图分类号:TU470 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)15-0136-06

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. ZIAD2226

Control technology for the influence of deep and large foundation pit of 6-story basement indeep soft soil on adjacent subway tunnels

LIU Xingwang1, LI Binghe1, CHEN Weilin2, MAO Haihe3, ZHANG Ge3, SUN Zhengbo1

(1 Zhejiang Province Institute of Architectural Design and Research, Hangzhou 310006, China;2 Zhejiang Shengyuan Construction Engineering Construction Drawing Review Center, Hangzhou 310006, China;3 Hangzhou Branch of Beijing Urban Construction Design and Development Group Co. , Ltd. , Hangzhou 310017, China)

Abstract: Hangzhou Center project is located in the core business district of Hangzhou Wulin Plaza, with a 6-storeybasement. The excavation depth of the foundation pit is about 30. 2 ~ 36. 0m, close to the shield tunnel of Metro Line 1 andLine 3. In view of the difficult problems of deformation control and sensitive facilities protection of the deep and largefoundation pit in deep soft soil faced by this project, the design has comprehensively adopted a variety of measures such asthe optimization of basement plane and vertical layout, pit-dividing construction and quantitative control of soft soilspace-time effect. The key points of foundation pit support design and construction of the project was introduced, thedeformation development law of the retaining system and adjacent subway facilities during the construction of the deep andlarge foundation pit was summarized, and the deformation behavior of super deep foundation pit in soft soil foundation wasanalyzed. The results show that after the construction completion of underground structure, the horizontal deformation,vertical deformation and horizontal convergence deformation of adjacent shield tunnel are successfully controlled within5mm, which meets requirement.

Keywords:deep soft soil; deep and large foundation pit; space-time effect; pit-dividing construction; subway protection

∗浙江省建设科研项目(2018K119) ,浙江省科技创新项目(2019R52035) 。

第一作者:刘兴旺,博士,正高级工程师,浙江省工程勘察设计大师,主要从事岩土工程的科研和设计工作,Email:1125997382@ qq. com。

[引用本文] 刘兴旺,李冰河,陈卫林,等. 深厚软土 6 层地下室深大基坑对邻近地铁隧道影响控制技术[ J] . 建筑结构,2022,52(15) :136-141. LIU Xingwang,LI Binghe,CHEN Weilin,et al. Control technology for the influence of deepand large foundation pit of 6-story basement in deep soft soil on adjacent subway tunnels [ J] . Building Structure,2022,52(15) :136-141.



