您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第20期>>正文内容
路江龙, 王晨旭, 沈晓明, 杨律磊, 龚敏锋
摘 要

(中衡设计集团股份有限公司, 苏州 215123)

摘要: 苏州某水乐园由钢屋盖部分和跨街桁架部分组成,屋盖为大跨异形自由曲面网壳结构,长 158m、跨度 76m、高 20mꎻ跨街桁架部分跨度为 30m. 通过找形分析,在兼顾建筑造型的同时选取结构性能更优的曲面形态ꎻ钢屋盖采用单双层网壳结合的形式,在形成 76m 无柱大空间的基础上,保证经济性及使用功能. 另外,对结构进行了一般静力分析、关键构件中震弹性分析、二阶 P-Δ 弹性分析、屈曲分析、双非线性稳定分析、支座位移罕遇地震时程分析以及节点有限元分析,在符合规范要求的前提下,充分保证了结构的安全.

关键词: 大跨异形网壳;找形分析;单双层网壳衔接的混合网壳;二阶 P-Δ 弹性分析;双非线性稳定分析;罕遇地震时程分析

中图分类号:TU391 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)20-0120-08

DOI:10.19701 / j.jzjg.ZJ220017

Design and research of a large-span special-shaped reticulated shell of a water paradise

LU Jianglong, WANG Chenxu, SHEN Xiaoming, YANG Lülei, GONG Minfeng

(ARTS Group Co. , Ltd. , Suzhou 215123, China)

Abstract: A water paradise in Suzhou is composed of steel roof and cross-street truss. The roof is a large-spanspecial-shaped freeform reticulated shell with the length of 158m, the span of 76m and the height of 20m;and the span ofcross-street truss is 30m. Through shape finding analysis, the curved surface with better structural performance was selectedwhile taking into account the architectural modeling. On the premise of forming a 76m-span space without columns, theinnovative form of single-layer and double-layer reticulated shell was adopted, which guarantees the economy and servicefunction. Analyses were conducted including general static analysis, elastic analysis of key components under thefortification earthquake, second-order P-Δ elastic analysis, buckling analysis, bi-nonlinear stability analysis, time-historyanalysis of support displacement under the rare earthquake and finite element analysis of nodes, which fully guaranteed thesafety of the structure under the premise of meeting the requirements of the codes.

Keywords:large-span special-shaped reticulated shell;shape finding analysis;hybrid reticulated shells connected bysingle and double layer reticulated shells;second-order P-Δ elastic analysis;bi-nonlinear stability analysis;time-historyanalysis under rare earthquake


第一作者:路江龙,硕士,研究员级高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,英联邦结构工程师学会会员及特许结构工程师,主要从事钢结构设计研究工作,Email:lujianglong@ artsgroup. cn.

[引用本文] 路江龙,王晨旭,沈晓明,等. 某水乐园大跨度异形网壳结构设计研究[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(20):120-127,98. LU Jianglong,WANG Chenxu,SHEN Xiaoming,et al. Design and research of a large-span special-shapedreticulated shell of a water paradise[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(20):120-127,98.



