您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第20期>>正文内容
杨律磊, 孙意斌, 龚敏锋, 杨 栋
摘 要

(中衡设计集团股份有限公司, 苏州 215123)

摘要: 对于空间跨度较大的结构,行波效应对其地震响应的影响不可忽略,但目前对于超长连体结构的行波效应研究较少. 苏州国际会议酒店为结构总长度 333m 的超长连体结构,连廊与塔楼之间采用铅芯橡胶支座与黏滞阻尼器实现柔性连接. 以该项目为背景,研究行波效应对该类结构地震响应的影响. 首先应用了行波效应视波速的简化计算方法,给出了国内场地视波速的参考取值范围. 考虑不同视波速对苏州国际会议酒店进行多点激励地震弹塑性时程分析,重点研究一致激励与多点激励下的地震剪力、位移、加速度与支座性能差异性. 结果表明:多点激励下结构楼层剪力小于一致激励,其差距随视波速的降低而增大,多点激励下基底剪力最大减小 15%ꎻ结构层间位移角可满足规范要求,底部楼层多点激励层间位移角大于一致激励,其差异随视波速的降低而增大ꎻ考虑行波效应时连廊扭转效应显著提高,而连廊加速度有所降低ꎻ铅芯橡胶支座侧向位移可满足设计变形需求,其在多点激励下的侧向位移大于一致激励ꎻ行波效应亦对黏滞阻尼器附加给结构的阻尼比有一定影响.

关键词: 超长连体结构;行波效应;视波速;多点激励;铅芯橡胶支座;地震响应

中图分类号:TU318+. 1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)20-0022-07

DOI:10.19701 / j.jzjg.ZJ220004

Study on the influence of traveling wave effect for ultra-long connected structure

YANG Lülei, SUN Yibin, GONG Minfeng, YANG Dong

(ARTS Group Co. , Ltd. , Suzhou 215123, China)

Abstract: For structures with large spatial span, the influence of traveling wave effect on its seismic response cannot beignored, but there are few studies on traveling wave effect of ultra-long connected structures at present. Suzhou InternationalConference Hotel is an ultra-long connected structure with a total length of 333m, where lead rubber bearings and viscousdampers are used for flexible connection between the corridor and towers. Taking this project as the background, theinfluence of traveling wave effect on the seismic response of such structures were studied. Firstly, a simplified calculationmethod for apparent wave velocity of traveling wave effect was applied, and a reference range of apparent wave velocity fordomestic sites was provided. Then elastoplastic seismic time history analysis of Suzhou International Conference Hotel undermulti-point excitation with different apparent wave velocities was carried out, which focuses on the difference of seismicshear force, displacement, acceleration and performance of the bearing supports under uniform excitation and multi-pointexcitation. The results show that the storey shear force under multi-point excitation is less than that under uniformexcitation, and the difference increases with the decrease of apparent wave velocity. The maximum reduction of base shearis 15%. The interlayer displacement angles can meet the specification requirements. The interlayer displacement angles ofthe bottom floors under uniform excitation are greater than those under multi-point excitation, and the differences increasewith the decrease of apparent wave velocity. The torsional effect of corridor increases remarkably when considering travelingwave effect, while the acceleration of corridor decreases. The lateral displacements of lead rubber bearings can meet therequirements of design deformations, and the lateral displacements under multi-point excitation are greater than those underuniform excitation. As well, the damping ratio that viscous dampers append to the structure is influenced by travelling waveeffect.

Keywords:ultra-long connected structure;traveling wave effect;apparent wave velocity;multi-point excitation;leadrubber bearing;seismic response


第一作者:杨律磊,硕士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事复杂结构设计与技术研究工作,Email: yanglvlei@artsgroup. cn.

[引用本文] 杨律磊,孙意斌,龚敏锋,等. 超长连体结构地震行波效应影响研究[J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(20):22-28. YANG Lülei,SUN Yibin,GONG Minfeng,et al. Study on the influence of traveling wave effect for ultra-long connectedstructure[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(20):22-28.



