您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第12期>>正文内容
俞 强
摘 要

(福建省建筑设计研究院有限公司, 福州 350001)

摘要: 以邻近运营地铁隧道的福州正祥广场深大基坑为实例,结合基坑开挖过程中围护结构侧向位移、周围土体沉降和地铁隧道水平及竖直位移的现场实测数据,系统分析了不同施工阶段基坑围护结构、周边土体以及地铁隧道的变形特性,讨论了采用围护结构刚度优化、支撑体系优化以及开挖工序优化等变形控制措施的合理性。 结果表明:基坑淤泥层开挖所引发的侧向位移约占总侧向位移的 50% ~ 60%;受开挖方式和支护方式的影响,基坑东侧(邻近地铁隧道)与西侧围护结构的最大侧移位移平均值分别为 0􀆰 128%H 和 0􀆰 228%H(H 为基坑开挖深度),最大侧向位移所在深度约为 0􀆰 25H~H;地铁隧道的位移曲线与基坑周围土层、围护结构的位移曲线的发展趋势具有良好的一致性,均表现出显著的空间效应。

关键词: 深大基坑; 基坑开挖; 运营地铁隧道; 变形特性; 控制措施; 空间效应

中图分类号:TU735,TV551􀆰 4+2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002⁃848X(2022)12⁃0127⁃07


DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20210667


Study on deformation characteristics and control measures of deep and largefoundation pit excavation neighboring metro

YU Qiang

(Fujian Provincial Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd., Fuzhou 350001, China)

Abstract: Taking the deep and large foundation pit of Fuzhou Zhengxiang Square adjacent to the operating subway tunnel as an example, combined with the on⁃site measured data of the lateral displacement of the enclosure structure, the surrounding soil settlement and the horizontal and vertical displacement of the subway tunnel during the excavation process of the foundation pit, a systematic analysis was carried out on the deformation characteristics of the foundation pit envelope,surrounding soil and subway tunnels in different construction stages, and the rationality of the deformation control measures such as the optimization of the envelope structure stiffness, the optimization of the support system and the optimization of the excavation process were discussed. The results show that the lateral displacement caused by the excavation of the silt layer of the foundation pit accounts for about 50% ~ 60% of the total lateral displacement. The average maximum lateral displacement of the side enclosure structure is 0􀆰 128%H and 0􀆰 228%H respectively, which influenced by the excavation method and support method. (H is the excavation depth of the foundation pit), and the depth of the maximum lateral displacement is about 0􀆰 25H~H. The displacement curve of the subway tunnel has a good consistency with the development trend of the displacement curve of the soil layer around the foundation pit and the envelope structure, and both show significant spatial effects.

Keywords:deep and large foundation pit; foundation pit excavation; operating subway tunnel; deformation characteristic;control measure; spatial effect

第一作者:俞强,学士,教授级高级工程师,注册岩土工程师,主要从事岩土工程相关工作,Email:yu_qiang1967@ 126.com。
[引用本文] 俞强. 邻近地铁深大基坑开挖变形与控制措施研究[J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(12):127⁃133. YU Qiang.Study on deformation characteristics and control measures of deep and large foundation pit excavation neighboring metro[J].Building Structure,2022,52(12):127⁃133.


