您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第12期>>正文内容
3D 打印技术及其在超高层建筑应用的可行性分析
左自波1,2,3 , 黄玉林1,2 , 张龙龙1,2 , 袁 烽4 , DE CORTE Wouter 3
摘 要

(1 上海建工集团股份有限公司, 上海 200080; 2 上海建工集团工程研究总院, 上海 201114;3 根特大学工程与建筑学院, 根特 9000; 4 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院, 上海 200092)

摘要: 收集了国内外 31 个机构所采用的 3D 打印设备及工艺,分析了 3D 打印设备及工艺特点。 基于统计分析结果,给出了 3D 打印在建筑工程中的分阶段应用技术路线,包括打印异形非承重结构、复杂模板及节点、轻质承重结构、异形房屋和异形建(构)筑物。 以高层、超高层建筑为研究对象,介绍了爬升式和落地式造楼装备的结构原理,提出了 3D 打印设备发展的技术方案,即 3D 打印设备与现有造楼装备集成和开发新型 3D 打印设备;分析了 3D 打印技术在超高层建筑工程应用的可行性和挑战。

关键词: 超高层建筑; 3D 打印技术; 造楼装备; 3D 打印结构; 3D 打印工艺

中图分类号:TU689 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002⁃848X(2022)12⁃0095⁃07


DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. SHJG2109


3D printing technology and feasibility analysis of its application in super high⁃rise buildings ZUO Zibo1,2,3, HUANG Yulin1,2, ZHANG Longlong1,2, YUAN Feng4, DE CORTE Wouter3

(1 Shanghai Construction Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200080, China; 2 General Engineering Institute of Shanghai Construction Group, Shanghai 201114, China; 3 Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Ghent University, Ghent 9000, Belgium; 4 College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: The equipment and processes of 3D printing used by 31 institutions at home and abroad were collected, the characteristics of 3D printing equipment and processes were analyzed. Based on the results of statistics and analysis, the technical route for phased application of 3D printing in building engineering was given, including printing special⁃shaped non⁃load⁃bearing structures, complex formwork and joints, light⁃weight load⁃bearing structures, special⁃shaped house and buildings or structures. Based on the research objects of high⁃rise and super high⁃rise buildings, the structural principles of climbing and floor⁃standing building machine were introduced. Technical solutions for the development of 3D printing equipment were proposed, that is, the integration of 3D printing equipment with existing building machine and the development of new 3D printing equipment. The feasibility and challenges of the application of construction 3D printing technology in super high⁃rise projects were discussed.

Keywords:super high⁃rise building; 3D printing technology; building machine; 3D printed structure; 3D printing process

第一作者:左自波,博士研究生,高级工程师,主要从事数字化建造技术研究,Email:zuozibo@ foxmail.com。
[引用本文] 左自波,黄玉林,张龙龙,等. 3D 打印技术及其在超高层建筑应用的可行性分析[J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(12):95⁃101. ZUO Zibo,HUANG Yulin,ZHANG Longlong,et al. 3D printing technology and feasibility analysis of its application in super high⁃rise buildings[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(12):95⁃101.


