您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第10期>>正文内容
王 荣, 李彦鹏, 周 健
摘 要

(华东建筑设计研究院有限公司, 上海 200002)

摘要: 上海久事国际马术中心项目体量小,场地较小且限高,但功能复杂,建筑效果要求高,各个结构单体各具特色. 介绍了结构单体的划分和体系组成,结合项目特点、结构规则性及预制率要求,对不同结构单体采用了合理的结构体系. 通过对常规平面桁架或空间桁架进行异化处理,马术赛场的两种钢屋盖分别选择用钢量较小的特殊空间桁架结构形式,既保证了建筑效果更贴合项目特点,又满足建筑外露钢结构屋顶的需求. 对马术赛场单体的超限类型和程度进行分析,针对性地提出了有效控制安全的技术措施,整体结构及其薄弱部位的加强措施和预期的性能目标. 介绍了自由曲面大开洞异形高标号清水混凝土壳、采用异形单层空间钢网格⁃核心筒结构体系的马术岛单体、群控升降式灯架设计等三个结构专项设计和研究,提出了设计建议和设计参数. 各项分析论证结果表明,结构具有良好的抗震性能,抗震设计安全可行,并能满足正常的建筑使用功能要求.

关键词: 马术赛场; 异形单层空间钢网格⁃核心筒结构; 空间曲面网格结构; 异形清水混凝土筒; 超限分析; 群控升降式灯架

中图分类号:TU398. 7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002⁃848X(2022)10⁃0080⁃09

DOI:10. 19701 / j.jzjg.HDY2232

Main structural design of Shanghai Jiushi International Equestrian Center project

WANG Rong, LI Yanpeng, ZHOU Jian

(East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200002, China)

Abstract: The project of Shanghai Jiushi International Equestrian Center has small volume, small site space and heightlimit, but its functions are complex, the requirements for architectural effect are high, each structural unit has its owncharacteristics. The division and system composition of structural unit were introduced. The reasonable structural systems fordifferent structural units in combination with the project characteristics, structural regularity and prefabrication raterequirements were adopted. By dissimilating the conventional plane truss or space truss, the two steel roofs of equestrianstadium choose the special space truss structure with small steel ratio, which not only ensures that the building effect ismore fit for the characteristics of the project, but also meets the needs of the exposed steel structure roof of the building.The type and degree of overrun of the equestrian field unit were analyzed. The technical measures to effectively controlsafety, the strengthening measures of the overall structure and its weak parts, the expected performance objectives were putforward. The special design and research of three structures were introduced, such as free⁃form surface large openingspecial⁃shaped high⁃grade fair faced concrete shell, equestrian island unit with special⁃shaped single⁃layer space steelframe⁃core tube structure system and group control lifting lamp holder design, and the design suggestions and designparameters were puts forward. The analysis and demonstration results show that the structure has good seismic performance,the seismic design is safe and feasible, and can meet the requirements of normal building functions.

Keywords: equestrian field; special⁃shaped single⁃layer space steel frame⁃core tube structure; spatial surface meshstructure; special shaped fair faced concrete cylinder; over⁃limit analysis; group control lifting lamp holder

第一作者:王荣,硕士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事超高层和大跨度空间结构设计与研究工作,Email: wr0802@ ecadi.com.

[引用本文] 王荣,李彦鹏,周健. 上海久事国际马术中心项目主体结构设计[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(10):80⁃88.WANG Rong,LI Yanpeng,ZHOU Jian. Main structural design of Shanghai Jiushi International Equestrian Center project[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(10):80⁃88.



