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考虑现浇楼板影响的 RC 框架梁板柱协同抗连续性倒塌非线性有限元分析∗
贾益纲1, 詹鸣晨2, 吴光宇1, 敖居明2, 王惠宾1
摘 要

(1 南昌大学设计研究院, 南昌 330047; 2 南昌大学建筑工程学院, 南昌 330031)

摘要: 为深入考察现浇楼板对 RC 框架结构抗连续性倒塌性能的影响,先对一 2 层带板框架静力坍塌试验进行仿真模拟,校核三维实体退化虚拟层合单元模拟分析法的准确性;通过对比空间 4 层框架底层有无楼板的情况,分析了结构在底层为独立梁格状态和肋梁楼盖状态下倒塌过程中的破坏形态与钢筋应力变化,得出肋梁楼盖结构中贯通梁因梁板协同效应并未像在独立梁格中触发“悬链线”机制;通过改变该空间框架底层板厚的情况,分析了不同板厚模型连续倒塌过程中不同的破坏形态与抗力表现,发现各模型贯通梁格区楼板均以失效柱为中心呈“花瓣形”薄膜受拉状态,随板厚增加薄膜受拉区逐渐回拢,应力等值线渐变稀疏,结构承载力相应提高。

关键词: RC 框架结构; 连续性倒塌; 三维实体退化虚拟层合单元; 悬链线机制; 花瓣形拉力膜

中图分类号:TU375 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002 ̄848X(2022)06 ̄0061 ̄08

DOI:10. 19701 / j.jzjg.LS202092

Nonlinear finite element analysis on beam ̄slab ̄column synergistic progressive collapse resistanceof RC frame considering the effect of cast ̄in ̄place slabs

JIA Yigang1, ZHAN Mingchen2, WU Guangyu1, AO Juming2, WANG Huibin1

(1 Design and Research Institute, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China; 2 School of Civil Engineeringand Architecture, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China)

Abstract: In order to deeply investigate the effect of cast ̄in ̄place slabs on the performance of RC frame structure againstprogressive collapse, the accuracy of the simulation analysis method based on degenerated 3D solid virtual laminationelement was verified first through the simulation of the static collapse test of a two ̄story frame with slabs. By comparingsituations whether there were floor slabs on the ground floor of a spacial 4 ̄story frame, the failure form and the stress changeof steel rebars during the collapse process of the structure when the ground floor was a beam ̄only grid or a ribbed ̄beam floorwere discussed, and it was concluded that the through ̄beam in the ribbed ̄beam floor had not triggered “ catenary”mechanism like in the beam ̄only grid floor due to the beam ̄slab synergistic effect. By changing the slab thickness on theground floor of the spacial frame, the failure form and resistance performance of models with different slab thickness wereanalyzed, it was found that slabs within the through ̄beam lattice area of each model were in a “ petal ̄shaped” tensilemembrane action centered on the failed column; with the increase of slab thickness, the tensile membrane zone graduallyconverges, the stress contours gradually became sparse and the structural bearing capacity increases accordingly.

Keywords: RC frame structure; progressive collapse; degenerated 3D solid virtual lamination element; catenarymechanism; petal ̄shaped tensile membrane


第一作者:贾益纲,硕士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事混凝土结构设计理论及大型复杂结构防灾减灾研究,Email: jiayigang999@ sina.com。

[引用本文] 贾益纲,詹鸣晨,吴光宇,等. 考虑现浇楼板影响的 RC 框架梁板柱协同抗连续性倒塌非线性有限元分析[J]. 建筑结构,2022,52( 6):61 ̄68. JIA Yigang, ZHAN Mingchen, WU Guangyu, et al. Nonlinear finite elementanalysis on beam ̄slab ̄column synergistic progressive collapse resistance of RC frame considering the effect of cast ̄in ̄placeslabs[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(6):61 ̄68.



