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大跨度 CD 型装配式钢桥静动力性能试验研究∗
王贤强1,2, 陆 军1, 王韶丰3, 花 杰1, 张建东1
摘 要

(1 苏交科集团股份有限公司在役长大桥梁安全与健康国家重点实验室, 南京 211112; 2 东南大学土木工程学院, 南京 211189; 3 南京交通职业技术学院路桥与港航工程学院, 南京 211188)

摘要: CD 型装配式钢桥是在德国 Krupp 标准快速装配 D 型梁的基础上发展而来的新型装配式钢桥,与传统的321 型和 HD200 型装配式钢桥相比,CD 型装配式钢桥的抗弯和抗剪能力明显提升,且具有优越的跨越能力。 为分析验证大跨度 CD 型装配式钢桥的静动力性能,以跨径为 54. 864m 双排双层加强 CD 型装配式钢桥为研究对象,通过有限元仿真和荷载试验,对比分析了大跨度 CD 型装配式钢桥静动力特性。 研究结果表明:城 ̄B 级荷载下,静载试验应力校验系数为 0. 65~ 0. 80,挠度校验系数为 0. 67 ~ 0. 91,结构强度和刚度满足设计要求。 相对残余变形为13. 4% ~ 17. 0%,架设完成后需进行预压以消除塑性变形。 横向弯曲振动明显,应增加抗风拉杆和横撑,提高结构横向刚度和稳定性。 10km/ h 以上无障碍行车实测冲击效应显著,建议重载车辆限速通行。

关键词: CD 型装配式钢桥; 静力特性; 动力特性; 荷载试验; 承载能力

中图分类号:TU391,U446. 1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002 ̄848X(2022)06 ̄0056 ̄05

DOI:10. 19701 / j.jzjg.LS210273

Experimental study on static and dynamic performance of long ̄span CD ̄type fabricated steel bridge

WANG Xianqiang1,2, LU Jun1, WANG Shaofeng3, HUA Jie1, ZHANG Jiandong1

(1 The State Key Laboratory on Safety and Health of In ̄service Long ̄span Bridges, JSTI Group, Nanjing 211112,China; 2 School of Civil Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China; 3 College of Road, Bridgeand Harbor Engineering, Nanjing Vocational Institute of Transport Technology, Nanjing 211188, China)

Abstract: CD ̄type fabricated steel bridge is a new type of fabricated steel bridge developed on the basis of German Kruppstandard rapid assembly D ̄type girder. Compared with the traditional 321 ̄type and HD200 ̄type fabricated steel bridges, theCD ̄type fabricated steel bridge has significantly improved bending and shear resistance, and possess superior spanningcapability. In order to analyze and verify the static and dynamic performance of long ̄span CD ̄type fabricated steel bridge, a54. 864m double ̄row and double ̄layer reinforced CD ̄type fabricated steel bridge was selected as research object to compareand analyze the static and dynamic characteristics through finite element simulation and load test. The results show thatstructural strength and stiffness meet the requirements with the stress verification coefficient 0. 65~ 0. 80 and the deflectionverification coefficient 0. 67 ~ 0. 91 under city ̄B load in static load test. Preloading is required to eliminate plasticdeformation after erection due to the relative residual deformation 13. 4% ~ 17. 0%. As the transverse bending vibration isobvious, wind resistant tie rods and cross brace should be added to improve the structural lateral stiffness and stability. Themeasured impact effect of barrier ̄free driving with the speed more than 10km/ h is especially significant. Therefore, a speedlimit for heavy ̄duty vehicles is recommended.

Keywords:CD ̄type fabricated steel bridge; static characteristic; dynamic characteristic; load test; bearing capacity

∗江苏省交通运输科技项目(2019Y17,2019Y69 ̄02),中国博士后基金面上项目(2018M642300),江苏省博士后科研资助计划项目(2018K136C)。

第一作者:王贤强,博士,高级工程师,主要从事于钢结构桥梁建造与运维养护研究,Email: wangxianqiang1011@ 163.com。

[引用本文] 王贤强,陆军,王韶丰,等. 大跨度 CD 型装配式钢桥静动力性能试验研究[ J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(6):56 ̄60. WANG Xianqiang, LU Jun, WANG Shaofeng, et al. Experimental study on static and dynamic performance oflong ̄span CD ̄type fabricated steel bridge[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(6):56 ̄60.



