您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第06期>>正文内容
丁 泓, 恽燕春, 夏 锋
摘 要

(上海紫宝住宅工业有限公司, 上海 201107)

摘要: 介绍了双面叠合夹心保温剪力墙的体系发展及其构造概况,并从保温连接件选型、荷载和受力状态方面对双面叠合夹心保温剪力墙开展了系统的分析。 此外,对双面叠合夹心保温剪力墙的抗震性能、温度性能和浇筑工况性能进行系统试验研究。 试验结果表明:双面叠合夹心保温剪力墙的承载力、位移延性、变形能力、耗能能力等主要抗震性能指标与现浇对比试件相近,抗震性能优良,可基本实现等同现浇设计;在温度作用下,保温连接件受力较大,但均可满足承载力要求;在浇筑工况下,应控制浇筑速度,保温连接件间距不宜大于 400mm,可有效避免预制板开裂。 最后基于研究成果提出了相应的优化建议,为未来双面叠合夹心保温剪力墙体系的研究和应用提供参考依据。

关键词: 双面叠合夹心保温剪力墙; 保温连接件; 抗震性能; 温度性能; 浇筑工况

中图分类号:TU375 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002 ̄848X(2022)06 ̄0010 ̄08

DOI:10. 19701 / j.jzjg.20200935

Study on the system and performance of double composite sandwich shear wall

DING Hong, YUN Yanchun, XIA Feng

(Shanghai Zibao Residential Industry Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201107, China)

Abstract: The system development and structural overview of the double composite sandwich shear wall were introduced, andthe double composite sandwich shear wall was systematically analyzed from the aspects of the selection of thermal insulationconnectors, the load and the stress state. In addition, the seismic performance, temperature performance and pouringcondition performance of double composite sandwich shear wall were systematically tested and studied. The test results showthat the main seismic performance indicators such as bearing capacity, displacement ductility, deformation capacity, andenergy dissipation capacity of the double composite sandwich shear wall are similar to those of the cast ̄in ̄place comparisonspecimen, and the seismic performance is excellent, which can realize achieve the same cast ̄in ̄place design. Under theaction of temperature, the thermal insulation connector is subjected to a large force and can meet the bearing capacityrequirements. Under the pouring conditions, the pouring speed should be controlled, and the distance between the thermalinsulation connectors should not be greater than 400mm, which can effectively avoid the cracking of the prefabricated plate.Finally, the corresponding optimization suggestions were put forward based on the research results, which provides a referencefor the research and application of the double composite sandwich shear wall system in the future.

Keywords: double composite sandwich shear wall; thermal insulation connector; seismic performance; temperatureperformance; pouring condition

∗国家重点研发计划资助“科技助力经济 2020”重点专项—高品质绿色装配式建筑成套技术开发与应用示范。

第一作者:丁泓,硕士,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事装配式结构、建筑工业化、智能建造等相关研究,Email:darren_ding0207@ foxmail.com。

[引用本文] 丁泓,恽燕春,夏锋. 双面叠合夹心保温剪力墙体系及其性能研究[J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(6):10 ̄17.DING Hong, YUN Yanchun, XIA Feng. Study on the system and performance of double composite sandwich shear wall[J].Building Structure,2022,52(6):10 ̄17.



