- 摘 要
(北京三磊建筑设计有限公司, 北京 100011)
摘要: 对于框架-核心筒超高层结构而言,和传统的有梁楼盖相比,外框与核心筒之间采用不设明梁的平板楼盖体系在降低建筑层高、改善建筑布置及提高施工效率等方面具有较为明显的优势,但由于平板楼盖体系节点抗震性能相对较弱,目前在高烈度区超高层结构中的应用还很少. 以北京通州某公寓主楼为例,针对框架-核心筒平板楼盖体系结构特点,重点探讨了从结构体系认定、结构选型、结构布置、设计难点、构造措施及整体计算等方面对塔楼所采取的加强措施. 在小震反应谱分析基础上,补充进行了中震下构件承载力分析及大震下静力弹塑性分析.结果表明,结构各项指标均比较理想,整体设计满足结构安全要求.
关键词: 平板楼盖体系; 超高层结构; 框架-核心筒; 有梁楼盖; 高烈度区
中图分类号:TU318 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)05-0122-05
DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20200635
Flat-plate floor system application in a super high-rise structure
LI Mingyu, WANG Zhijun
( SunLay Architectural Design Institute, Beijing 100011, China)
Abstract: For frame-core tube super high-rise structure, compared with beam-plate floor system, flat-plate floor systemwithout exposed beams between the outer frame and the core tube has obvious advantages in reducing the floor height ofstorey, improving architectural layout and construction efficiency. However, its application is less in high earthquakeintensity regions super high-rise building for its poor seismic performance. Taking a main apartment building in Tongzhou,Beijing as an example, according to the structure characteristic of flat-plate floor system, strengthening measures werecarried out, including the structural system identification, structural system selection, structural layout, design difficulty,structural measure and overall calculations. On the basis of response spectrum analysis under the frequent earthquake, thebearing capacity of components analysis under fortification intensity earthquake and the static elastic-plastic analysis underrare earthquake were conducted. Results show that structural indicators are ideal and the overall structural design satisfiessafety requirement.
Keywords:flat-plate floor system; super high-rise structure; frame-core tube; beam-plate floor system; high earthquakeintensity region
第一作者:李明雨,硕士,高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事建筑结构设计,Email:66295423@ qq. com.
[引用本文] 李明雨,王志军. 平板楼盖体系在某超高层结构中的应用[ J] . 建筑结构,2022,52( 5) :122-126. LIMingyu,WANG Zhijun. Flat-plate floor system application in a super high-rise structure[ J] . Building Structure,2022,52(5) :122-126.