您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第05期>>正文内容
摘 要

(中煤科工重庆设计研究院(集团)有限公司, 重庆 400016)

摘要: 重庆某办公建筑是框架-剪力墙结构,综合判定属于平面、竖向不规则超限高层建筑. 介绍了该建筑的主要特点以及超限情况,并对地基基础、结构布置、构造设计等相关内容进行了简要说明. 针对项目特点及超限情况,主要采取了以下措施:1)增加平面连接薄弱部位楼板厚度;2) 大跨度框支框架采用型钢混凝土结构;3) 楼板大开洞部位设置钢筋混凝土斜撑. 针对整体结构、关键构件、复杂节点,采用了 SATWE、MIDAS Building、MIDAS Gen、ANSYS 等软件进行了多遇地震、设防地震及预估罕遇地震作用下分析对比和补充验算. 结果表明结构各项设计指标均满足规范要求,结构抗震性能良好,结构体系安全可行,该结构能达到设定的 D 级(局部 C 级)抗震性能目标.

关键词: 超限结构; 框支框架; 型钢混凝土; 钢筋混凝土斜撑; 抗震性能设计

中图分类号:TU398+. 2,TU318 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)05-0114-08

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20200772

Structural design and analysis of an over-limit high-rise office building in Chongqing

YU Hengbing

(CCTEG Chongqing Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd., Chongqing 400016, China)

Abstract:An office building in Chongqing is frame-shear wall structure, which is comprehensively judged to be a over-limithigh-rise building with irregular plane and vertical directions. The main characteristics of the building and over-limitsituation were introduced, and the ground and foundation, structure layout, structural design and other related content werebriefly explained. In view of the characteristics of the project and the over-limit situation, the following measures weremainly taken :1) the thickness of the floor in the weak part of the plane connection was increased; 2) steel reinforcedconcrete structure was applied to large-span frame-supported frames; 3) reinforced concrete diagonal brace was set at thelarge opening part of the floor slab. For the whole structure, key components, complex nodes, SATWE, MIDAS Building,MIDAS Gen, ANSYS and other software were used to perform analysis, comparison and supplementary check calculationsunder the effects of frequent earthquakes, fortification earthquakes, and estimated rare earthquakes. The results show thatall the design indicators of the structure meet the demands of codes, and the seismic performance of the structure is welland the structure is safe and reliable, the structure can achieve set D ( local C) seismic performance goals.

Keywords:over-limit structure; frame-supported frame; steel reinforced concrete; reinforced concrete diagonal brace;seismic performance design

第一作者:于恒兵,学士,高级工程师,一级注册建造师,主要从事建筑结构、岩土工程设计工作,Email:370420450@ qq. com.

[引用本文] 于恒兵. 重庆某超限高层办公建筑结构设计与分析[ J] . 建筑结构,2022,52( 5) :114-121,113. YUHengbing. Structural design and analysis of an over-limit high-rise office building in Chongqing[ J] . Building Structure,2022,52(5) :114-121,113.



