- 摘 要
(1 北京筑信润捷科技发展有限公司, 北京 101500; 2 中国电子工程设计院有限公司, 北京 100142)
摘要: 将大跨结构的动力特性转化到广义坐标系并结合频率响应函数,计算有或无调谐质量阻尼器( TMD) 的多阶模态结构在人行荷载的多阶谐波激振下的加速度反应谱. 通过引入结构频率调整系数,能够预测结构实际频率与计算频率产生偏差的情况. 利用有或无 TMD 的结构频响函数得到窄带激振下的 TMD 减振率,分析 TMD 频率比和阻尼比偏离最优解对 TMD 减振率的影响. 结合一个实际工程算例,比较了该频域分析法和传统的时域分析法,采用最优参数设计 TMD,研究了人群行走荷载下考虑实际频率偏差工况的有或无 TMD 结构加速度反应谱、反应谱曲面及 TMD 设计要点等问题. 研究结果表明了该方法准确、全面、高效的优越性.
关键词: 大跨结构; 振动舒适度; 频域分析; 加速度反应谱; 反应谱曲面; 无调谐质量阻尼器; 鲁棒性
中图分类号:TU311. 3,O328 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)05-0075-06
DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20201681
Frequency domain analysis for pedestrian induced vibration of long-span structure andTMD mitigation
LI Dan1, CAO Tiezhu1, DENG Tao2
(1 Beijing Zhuxin Runjie Technology Development Co., Ltd., Beijing 101500,China;2 China Electronics Engineering Design Institute Co., Ltd., Beijing 100142,China)
Abstract: By transforming the dynamic properties of long-span structure to generalized coordinates and along with frequencyresponse function, the acceleration response spectrums of a structure with multiple modes with and without tuned massdamper ( TMD) under multiple orders of harmonic components of pedestrian load were calculated. The deviation of as-builtstructural frequency from calculated frequency can be taken into account by introducing a structural frequency adjustmentcoefficient. Utilizing the TMD reduction rate under narrow band excitation obtained from the structural frequency responsefunction with and without TMD, the impact of TMD frequency ratio and damping ratio deviating from the optimal solution onthe TMD reduction rate was analyzed. With an example analysis of a real project, this frequency domain method andtraditional time domain method were compared, the optimal parameters were employed to design the TMD, the structuralacceleration response spectrum and response spectrum surface of the structure with and without TMD under crowd walkingload considering the structural frequency deviation, the key points of TMD design, and other problems were studied. Thisstudy reflects the advantages of accuracy, comprehensiveness and efficiency comparing to the frequency domain method.
Keywords:long-span structure; pedestrian induced vibration; frequency domain analysis; acceleration response spectrum;response spectrum surface; tuned mass damper; robustness
第一作者:李聃,硕士,总工程师,主要从事振动控制与风工程研究,Email:232602215@ qq. com.
[引用本文] 李聃,曹铁柱,邓涛. 大跨结构的振动舒适度与 TMD 减振频域分析[ J] . 建筑结构,2022,52( 5) :75-80,69. LI Dan, CAO Tiezhu, DENG Tao. Frequency domain analysis for pedestrian induced vibration of long-spanstructure and TMD mitigation[ J] . Building Structure,2022,52(5) :75-80,69.