- 摘 要
(1 广州大学土木工程学院, 广州 510006; 2 广东省建筑设计研究院有限公司, 广州 510010)
摘要: 设计制作了一种由圆柱螺旋弹簧与筒式黏滞阻尼器组合而成的弹簧-阻尼减振支座用于竖向减振,对其进行了频率相关性、位移幅值相关性以及反复加载相关性试验,测得了不同工况下的阻尼耗能、等效刚度、等效黏滞系数和损耗因子,研究了轴承力学性能对位移幅值和加载频率的影响. 采用 Kelvin 模型对弹簧-阻尼减振支座的迟滞回线进行了计算和拟合,将拟合结果和试验结果进行对比分析. 研究表明:弹簧-阻尼减振支座迟滞回线饱满、力学性能稳定,具有较强的耗能性能;加载频率对支座等效刚度与等效黏滞系数的影响显著,位移幅值对支座阻尼耗能和损耗因子的影响较大,加载圈数的增加对支座力学性能影响较小. Kelvin 模型可以有效模拟弹簧-阻尼减振支座的性能.
关键词: 弹簧-阻尼减振支座; 筒式黏滞阻尼器; 圆柱螺旋弹簧; 频率相关性; 位移幅值相关性; 反复加载相关性
中图分类号:TU317. 1,TB535. 1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)05-0048-07
DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. ZJ210012
Experimental study on properties of spring-damping anti-vibration bearings
REN Hongxia1, OU Tong2, WANG Dayang1, TAN Jian2
(1 School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China;2 GuangDong Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510010, China)
Abstract: Spring-damping anti-vibration bearings which combine cylindrical helical springs with cylinder-type viscousdamper were designed and fabricated for vertical vibration, and the frequency dependence, displacement amplitudedependence and cyclic loading dependence tests were carried out. The damping dissipation energy, equivalent stiffness,equivalent viscosity coefficient and loss factor were measured under different loading schemes to study the regularity of thespring-damping anti-vibration bearings. The influence of the mechanical properties of the bearings on displacementamplitudes and loading frequency were studied. The hysteretic curves of the spring-damping anti-vibration bearing werecalculated and fitted with Kelvin model. The fitting results were compared with the experimental results. The results showthat spring-damping anti-vibration bearings exhibit full hysteresis loops and stable mechanical properties, the energydissipation capacity is good. The influence of loading frequency on equivalent stiffness and equivalent viscosity coefficient isobvious. The displacement amplitude has a significant influence on damping energy dissipation and loss factor of thebearing, the excitation frequency has a slight impact on these mechanical properties. The properties of the spring-dampinganti-vibration bearings can be simulated effectively by Kelvin model.
Keywords:spring-damping anti-vibration bearing; cylinder-type viscous damper; cylindrical helical spring; frequencydependence; displacement amplitude dependence;cyclic loading dependence
∗国家自然科学基金(51878191) ,广州大学全日制研究生基础创新项目资助(2020GDJC-M41) .
第一作者:任红霞,硕士研究生,主要从事结构减隔振(震)设计研究,Email:951180453@ qq. com.
[引用本文] 任红霞,区彤,汪大洋,等. 弹簧-阻尼减振支座性能试验研究[ J] . 建筑结构,2022,52( 5) :48-54.REN Hongxia,OU Tong,WANG Dayang,et al. Experimental study on properties of spring-damping anti-vibration bearings[ J] . Building Structure,2022,52(5) :48-54.