您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第05期>>正文内容
李钧睿, 汪大洋, 周 云, 梁秋河, 柯小波, 凌海媚, 丁 超
摘 要

(广州大学土木工程学院, 广州 510006)

摘要: 位于广州市的某超高层结构在地下 1 层采用叠层橡胶支座设置了振动控制层,以降低上部结构的竖向振动响应. 对设置和不设置振动控制层的结构,分别进行了缩尺比为 1 ∶ 30 的模型振动台试验. 输入实测竖向地铁场地波,测量和比较两个振动台模型在各代表楼层的竖向加速度响应情况. 结果表明,振动控制层可以明显降低模型竖向自振频率,使其远离地铁竖向振动的卓越频带,且有效降低高阶竖向振型的动力响应. 振动控制模型上部结构的竖向加速度响应低于非振动控制模型,说明振动控制层对竖向振动具有衰减作用. 非振动控制模型上部楼层加速度响应随楼层的增大逐渐增大,通过设置振动控制层,使上部结构沿竖向趋于整体运动状态,有效抑制上部楼层对竖向振动的放大效应.

关键词: 地铁上盖结构; 超高层结构; 叠层橡胶支座; 地铁竖向激励; 振动控制; 竖向动力响应

中图分类号:TU352. 1,TU317+. 1,TU375 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)05-0015-07

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. ZJ210016

Study on vertical shaking table model test of super high-rise structure over subway:the vibration transmission law

LI Junrui, WANG Dayang, ZHOU Yun, LIANG Qiuhe, KE Xiaobo, LING Haimei, DING Chao

( School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China)

Abstract: A superhigh-rise structure located in Guangzhou has a vibration control layer on the underground floor usinglaminated rubber bearings to reduce the vertical vibration response of the superstructure. For the structures with and withoutthe vibration control layer, model shaking table tests with a scale ratio of 1 ∶30 were carried out respectively. The measuredvertical subway site waves were input, and the vertical acceleration responses of the two shaking table models at eachrepresentative floor were measured and compared. The results show that the vibration control layer can significantly reducethe vertical natural vibration frequency of the model, thus avoiding the predominant frequency of train-induced verticalvibration, and reducing the dynamic response of high-order vertical mode shape. The vertical acceleration response of thesuperstructure of the vibration control model is lower than that of the non-vibration control model, indicating that thevibration control layer has a damping effect on vertical vibration. The acceleration response of the upper floor of thenon-vibration control model increases with the increase of the floor. By setting the vibration control layer, the superstructuretends to move in the vertical direction as a whole, and the amplification effect of the upper floor on the vertical vibration iseffectively suppressed.

Keywords:structure over subway; super high-rise structure; laminated rubber bearing; vertical excitation of subway;vibration control; vertical dynamic response

∗广州市科技计划项目(202032866、 202102010459) ,广东省科技创新战略专项资金( pdjh2020a0452) .

第一作者:李钧睿,硕士研究生,主要从事结构减振控制研究,Email: a2332a@ 126. com.

[引用本文] 李钧睿,汪大洋,周云,等. 地铁上盖超高层结构竖向振动台模型试验———振动传播规律研究[ J] .建筑结构,2022,52(5) :15-21,35. LI Junrui,WANG Dayang,ZHOU Yun,et al. Study on vertical shaking table modeltest of super high-rise structure over subway: the vibration transmission law[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(5):15-21,35.



