- 摘 要
(广州大学土木工程学院, 广州 510006)
摘要: 通过对十种不同振动控制方案的 1 ∶30 缩尺比振动台试验模型进行竖向白噪声扫频,根据动力特性分析确定叠层橡胶支座合理的布置位置,并对具有合理的叠层橡胶支座布置位置的四支座模型和六支座模型以及传统结构设计模型共进行了 84 组工况的竖向地铁激励振动台试验,研究振动控制层竖向刚度对上部结构的竖向加速度响应和竖向振动控制效果的影响. 结果表明:不同叠层橡胶支座布置位置对振动台模型竖向动力特性具有显著的影响,应根据其与原型结构动力特性的吻合度优化调整振动台模型支座布置方案;在满足竖向承载力的前提下,适当减小振动控制层竖向刚度,可降低竖向自振频率,使其进一步远离地铁场地波的卓越频带,竖向峰值加速度和竖向均方根加速度均有显著减小,竖向振动控制效果趋优.
关键词: 地铁上盖结构; 超高层结构; 振动控制方案; 叠层橡胶支座; 竖向刚度; 竖向振动控制效果
中图分类号:TU352. 1,TU317+. 1,TU375 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2022)05-0009-06
DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. ZJ210010
Study on vertical shaking table model test of super high-rise structure over subway:the influence of different vibration control schemes
KE Xiaobo, WANG Dayang, ZHOU Yun, LIANG Qiuhe, LI Junrui, LING Haimei, DING Chao
( School of Civil Engineering, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China)
Abstract: Through the vertical white noise frequency sweeping of the shaking table test models with 1 ∶30 scale ratio of tendifferent vibration control schemes, the reasonable placements of the laminated rubber bearings were determined accordingto the analysis of the dynamic characteristics. A total of 84 groups of vertical metro excitation shaking table tests werecarried out on the four bearing model and six bearing model with reasonable laminated rubber bearing placement andtraditional structural design model, the effect of vertical acceleration response and vertical vibration control effect of theupper structure caused by the vertical stiffness of the vibration control layer were studied. The results show that the differentplacement schemes of laminated rubber bearings have significant impacts on the vertical dynamic characteristics of theshaking table model, and the placement schemes of shaking table model bearings should be optimized according to itsconsistency with the dynamic characteristics of the prototype structure. Under the premise of satisfying the vertical capacity,appropriately reducing the vertical stiffness of the vibration control layer can reduce the vertical natural vibration frequencyand make it further away from the excellent frequency band of the subway site wave. The vertical peak acceleration and thevertical root mean square (RMS) acceleration are significantly reduced, and the vertical vibration control effect is better.
Keywords:structure over subway; super high-rise structure; vibration control schemes; laminated rubber bearing; verticalstiffness; vertical vibration control effect
∗广州市科技计划项目(202032866、202102010459) ,广东省科技创新战略专项资金( pdjh2020a0452) .
第一作者:柯小波,硕士研究生,主要从事结构减振控制研究,Email: kinsist@ 163. com.
[引用本文] 柯小波,汪大洋,周云,等. 地铁上盖超高层结构竖向振动台模型试验———不同振动控制方案影响研究[ J] . 建筑结构,2022,52(5) :9-14,35. KE Xiaobo,WANG Dayang,ZHOU Yun,et al. Study on vertical shaking tablemodel test of super high-rise structure over subway: the influence of different vibration control schemes [ J] . BuildingStructure,2022,52(5) :9-14,35.