您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2022年>> 第04期>>正文内容
施 刚1,2, 赵华田1, 荣成骁3, 丁大益4, 刘 威4, 周 健5, 王 荣5
摘 要

(1 土木工程安全与耐久教育部重点实验室 清华大学, 北京 100084; 2 北京市钢与混凝土组合结构工程技术研究中心 清华大学, 北京 100084; 3 中海企业发展集团, 上海 200092; 4 中国五洲工程设计集团有限公司, 北京 100053; 5 华东建筑设计研究院有限公司, 上海 200002)

摘要: 天津周大福金融中心项目塔楼帽桁架采用构造复杂的铸钢节点。 通过有限元数值模拟,分析该节点在各荷载工况下的力学性能,给出了节点在不利荷载下的应力分布和危险位置。 在此基础上,开展局部加载试验,分析节点的受力性能和相贯截面位置的应力水平。 结果表明:部分柱肢相贯位置应力较大,建议采用倒角缓解局部应力集中,或设置加劲肋局部加强;试验加载过程中各柱肢均处于弹性状态,承载力储备高。 分析结果验证了铸钢节点在本工程中应用的安全性,可为其他相关工程提供参考。

关键词: 周大福金融中心; 铸钢节点; 钢结构; 局部加载试验; 应力分布

中图分类号:TU318 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002 ̄848X(2022)04 ̄0081 ̄05

DOI:10. 19701 / j.jzjg.20210961

Performance analysis on complex cast steel joint of Tianjin Chow Tai Fook Financial Center

SHI Gang1,2, ZHAO Huatian1, RONG Chengxiao3, DING Dayi4, LIU Wei4, ZHOU Jian5, WANG Rong5

(1 Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of China Education Ministry, Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, China; 2 Beijing Engineering Research Center of Steel and Concrete Composite Structures, TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing 100084, China; 3 China Overseas Development Group Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China;4 China Wuzhou Engineering Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100053, China; 5 East China Architectural Design & ResearchInstitute Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200002, China)

Abstract: Complex cast steel joints have been utilized in the hat trusses of the tower structures in Tianjin Chow Tai FookFinancial Center project. Finite element analysis was conducted to investigate the mechanical behavior of cast steel jointssubject to different loading cases, and the stress distribution and dangerous position of joints under unfavorable loads weregiven. On this basis, local loading tests was carried out to analyze the mechanical behavior of joints and the stress levels ofthe intersecting sections. The results show that some intersecting positions of columns suffered high stress. It isrecommended that measures should be taken to reduce the local stress concentration using chamfer angles or locallystrengthening the critical positions by stiffeners. All the columns kept elastic in the test with a considerable margin of safety.The safety of the cast steel joints applied in the project has been verified by the analysis results, providing a reference forother related projects.

Keywords:Chow Tai Fook Financial Center; cast steel joint; steel structure; local loading test; stress distribution

第一作者:施刚,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事钢结构研究,Email: shigang@ tsinghua.edu.cn。

[引用本文] 施刚,赵华田,荣成骁,等. 天津周大福金融中心复杂铸钢节点性能分析[J]. 建筑结构,2022,52(2):81 ̄85. SHI Gang, ZHAO Huatian, RONG Chengxiao, et al. Performance analysis on complex cast steel joint of TianjinChow Tai Fook Financial Center[J]. Building Structure,2022,52(2):81 ̄85.



