您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2023年>> 第02期>>正文内容
王志明, 曹 荣, 孙 逊, 赵英凯, 王永春
摘 要

(东南大学建筑设计研究院有限公司, 南京 210096)

摘要: 南京扬子江智慧中心为大型城市综合体建筑,地下 3 层,地上为四塔建筑,建筑平面为上窄下宽收腰型平面,体型复杂. 巨型桁架位于底部裙楼南侧,高度为 16. 5m,宽度为 4. 1m,跨度为 62. 9m,平面投影为弧形;桁架内侧为指挥大厅,外侧为连廊,均 3 层通高. 由于桁架跨度和高宽比较大,在屋面压力作用下易发生平面外失稳;对于弧状桁架,桁架结构质心位于支座连线之外,沿支座连线方向的附加弯矩增大了桁架失稳的风险,需采用有效的结构形式和构造措施,以保证桁架正常工作. 采用结构概念设计、多模型包络设计和有限元数值分析等多种力学分析方法,以实现结构既定性能设计目标. 补充偶然荷载作用下结构抗连续倒塌和人行荷载作用下结构楼板舒适度两种验算工况,保证巨型桁架满足承载能力极限状态和正常使用极限状态要求.

关键词: 巨型弧状桁架; 平面外稳定; 性能设计; 抗连续倒塌; 楼板舒适度

中图分类号:TU393. 3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)02-0042-08

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. ZJ220033

Design of giant arc-shaped three-dimensional truss for Nanjing Yangtze River Wisdom Center

WANG Zhiming, CAO Rong, SUN Xun, ZHAO Yingkai, WANG Yongchun

(Architects & Engineers Co. , Ltd. of Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China)

Abstract: Nanjing Yangtze River Wisdom Center is a large-scale urban complex building with three underground floors andfour towers above ground. The waist-shaped building plane is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. The shape of thebuilding is complicated. The giant truss is located on the south side of the bottom podium, with the height of 16. 5m, thewidth of 4. 1m and the span of 62. 9m, and the plane projection of the truss is arc-shaped. The inner side of the truss is acity command hall, and the outer side is the cantilevered veranda, both of which are 3-storey high. Due to the large spanand height-width ratio of the truss, out-of-plane instability easily occurs under the action of compressive stress; for the arcshaped truss, the center of mass of the truss structure is located outside the connection line of the support, and theadditional bending moment along the line of the support increases the instability risk of the truss. Effective structural formsand structural measures should be adopted to ensure the normal operation of the truss. A variety of mechanical analysismethods such as structural conceptual design, multi-model envelope design and finite element numerical analysis were usedto achieve the given performance design goals of the structure. Two checking working conditions of structural resistance toprogressive collapse under accidental load and structural floor comfort under pedestrian load were added to ensure that thegiant truss can meet the requirements of ultimate state of bearing capacity and ultimate state of normal use.

Keywords: giant arc-shaped truss; out-of-plane stability; performance-based design; progressive collapse resistance;floor comfort


第一作者:王志明,博士,高级工程师,主要从事结构设计,擅长高层和大跨钢结构设计,Email:81989484@ qq. com.

[引用本文] 王志明,曹荣,孙逊,等. 南京扬子江智慧中心巨型弧状立体桁架设计[ J]. 建筑结构,2023,53(2):42-49,54. WANG Zhiming,CAO Rong,SUN Xun,et al. Design of giant arc-shaped three-dimensional truss for NanjingYangtze River Wisdom Center[J]. Building Structure,2023,53(2):42-49,54.



