您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2023年>> 第04期>>正文内容
王晓辉1,2, 邱超宇2, 张伟平1
摘 要

(1 同济大学土木工程学院, 上海 200092; 2 上海原构设计咨询有限公司, 上海 200233)

摘要: 青浦题学平和学校综合馆由游泳馆和篮球馆组成,下部两层采用钢框架结构,上部屋盖采用格构柱-空间管桁架屋盖体系. 对屋盖抗侧力体系及截面选取、格构柱与下部结构连接方式等关键技术进行研究. 采用SAP2000 软件分别建立屋盖单体模型和结构整体模型,并对两种模型在水平和竖向荷载作用下屋盖的内力和变形进行分析比较;同时针对本项目的受力特点,对屋盖整体稳定及关键节点应力等进行多方面的分析. 分析结果表明:关键构件应力比不应大于 0. 85,屋盖其他构件应力比不大于 0. 90,屋盖在竖向荷载下挠度及风荷载、地震作用下的位移均满足规范要求,屋盖结构体系安全可行,节点连接可靠,现行的设计能够满足设计目标.

关键词: 钢屋盖; 管桁架; 格构柱; 销轴支座; 包络设计; 稳定分析; 节点分析; UHPC 挂板

中图分类号:TU398. 7 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)04-0107-07

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20201268

Structural design on comprehensive hall of Pinghe Bilingual School Qingpu

WANG Xiaohui1,2, QIU Chaoyu2, ZHANG Weiping1

(1 College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2 YUAN GOU Architects & ConsultantsCo. , Ltd. , Shanghai 200233, China)

Abstract: Comprehensive hall of Pinghe Bilingual School Qingpu is composed of a swimming pool and a basketball hall.The lower two floors adopt steel frame structure, and the upper roof adopts a lattice column-space tube truss roof system.Researches on the key technologies such as the selection of the lateral force system and the section, connection modebetween lattice columns and substructures were researched. The SAP2000 structural analysis software was adopted to buildthe single model of roof and the integral model of the structure. The internal forces and deformations of the roof of twomodels under the horizontal and vertical loads were analyzed and compared. At the same time, based on the stresscharacteristics of this project, the overall stability of the roof and the stress of the key joints were variously analyzed. Theanalysis results show that the stress ratio of key parts is not greater than 0. 85, the stress ratio of other elements is notgreater than 0. 90, and the deflection of the roof under vertical load and displacement under wind load and earthquake meetthe requirements of specifications,the roof structure system is safe and feasible, the joint connection is reliable, and thecurrent design can fulfill the design goal.

Keywords:steel roof; tube truss; lattice column; pin support; envelope design; stability analysis; joint analysis;UHPChanging plate

第一作者:王晓辉,博士研究生,教授级高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,主要从事 UHPC 混凝土结构、超限、复杂混凝土结构及钢结构设计研究工作,Email:2280082@ tongji. edu. cn.

[引用本文] 王晓辉,邱超宇,张伟平. 青浦题学平和学校综合馆结构设计[J]. 建筑结构,2023,53(4):107-113.WANG Xiaohui,QIU Chaoyu,ZHANG Weiping. Structural design on comprehensive hall of Pinghe Bilingual School Qingpu[J]. Building Structure,2023,53(4):107-113.



