您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2023年>> 第04期>>正文内容
刘 明1, 魏 剑1, 张 卫1, 杜新喜2
摘 要

(1 中南建筑设计院股份有限公司, 武汉 430071; 2 武汉大学土木建筑工程学院, 武汉 430071)

摘要: 随州南站站房采用 24 个伞状单元体呈现银杏叶的造型,结构设计时以 H 形截面弦杆形成的异形钢桁架作为主受力骨架,结合分叉圆钢管、吊杆、水平圆管桁架等形成完整单元体结构. 单元体结构与顶部波浪形正交钢梁体系连接,形成了站房屋盖整体结构. 屋盖结构体系复杂,单元体根部尺寸收缩,采用屈曲分析得到了结构的屈曲模态及屈曲因子,第一阶屈曲模态位于伞状单元体结构根部位置,并进一步对屋盖结构进行了荷载-位移全过程分析,以保证屋盖结构的整体承载力. 设计时在单元体结构中采用了十字工形组合钢柱及鼓形节点,利用有限元分析和试验的手段对此两种特殊结构构造进行了验证,以确保关键部位的承载力. 单元体结构外表皮采用张拉索-膜结构形成的金黄色 ETFE 膜完整呈现了建筑效果.

关键词: 随州南站; 单元体结构; 屈曲分析; 十字工形组合钢柱; 鼓形节点; 节点试验; 过程分析

中图分类号:TU318+. 2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)04-0101-06

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. LS201909

Structural analysis and design on roof of Suizhou South Railway Station

LIU Ming1, WEI Jian1, ZHANG Wei1, DU Xinxi2

(1 Central-South Architectural Design Institute Co. , Ltd. , Wuhan 430071, China;2 School of Civil Engineering, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430071, China)

Abstract: The station building of Suizhou South Railway Station adopts 24 umbrella-shaped elements, which are in theshape of ginkgo leaves. In the structural design, the special-shaped steel truss formed by the H-section chord is used as themain stress skeleton, combined with the bifurcated round steel pipe, the suspension rod, the horizontal circle tube trusses,etc. to form a complete element structure. The element structure is connected with the top wave-shaped orthogonal steelbeam system to form the overall structure of the station building. The roof structure system is complex, and the size of theroot of the element shrinks. The buckling mode and buckling factor of the structure were obtained by buckling analysis. Thefirst-order buckling mode was located at the root of the umbrella-shaped element structure, and the whole process ofload-displacement analysis of the roof structure was carried out to ensure the overall bearing capacity of the roof structure.In the design, the cross-shaped and I-shaped composite steel columns and drum-shaped joints were used in the elementstructure, and the two special structure details were verified by means of finite element analysis and test to ensure thebearing capacity of key parts. The outer facade of the element structure adopts the golden yellow ETFE film formed by thetension cable-membrane structure to completely present the architectural effect.

Keywords:Suizhou South Railway Station; element structure; buckling analysis; cross-shaped and I-shaped compositesteel column; drum-shaped joint; joint test; process analysis

∗中南建筑设计院股份有限公司 2020 年度产品研发项目(CSADI-2020-06).

第一作者:刘明,硕士,工程师,主要从事结构设计,Email:435253119@ qq. com.

[引用本文] 刘明,魏剑,张卫,等. 随州南站屋盖结构设计和分析[ J]. 建筑结构,2023,53( 4):101-106. LIUMing,WEI Jian,ZHANG Wei,et al. Structural analysis and design on roof of Suizhou South Railway Station[J]. BuildingStructure,2023,53(4):101-106.



