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2021 年版日本抗震性能化设计手册解读 8:基于多质点模型时程反应分析对判定标准的验证
摘 要

(日建设计, 东京 102-8117)

摘要: 使用多质点模型对中低层钢筋混凝土建筑和钢结构建筑进行了地震时程反应分析. 结果表明,由响应值确定的地震等级与由“简易法”评价的地震等级相当.

关键词: 性能设计; 静力设计; 中低层建筑; 抗震性能等级; 层间位移角; 时程反应分析; 多质点模型

中图分类号:TU318+. 4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)04-0040-03

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. JSCA2311

Commentary to the 2021 edition of the JSCA performance-based seismic design manaual part 8:

verification of judgment criteria by seismic response analysis of multi mass model


(Nikken Sekkei Ltd. , Tokyo 102-8117, Japan)

Abstract:Time history response analysis was conducted using a multi mass model assuming low-rise RC an S buildings,and it was shown that the seismic grade determined from the response values was equivalent to the seismic grade determinedby the " simplified method" .

Keywords:performance-based design; static design; low or middle-rise building; seismic performance level; story drift;time history analysis; multi-degree-of-freedom system


[引用本文] 贞许美和. 2021 年版日本抗震性能化设计手册解读 8:基于多质点模型时程反应分析对判定标准的验证[J]. 建筑结构,2023,53(4):40-42. Miwa SADAMOTO. Commentary to the 2021 edition of the JSCA performancebased seismic design manaual part 8:verification of judgment criteria by seismic response analysis of multi mass model[J].Building Structure,2023,53(4):40-42.



