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2021 年版日本抗震性能化设计手册解读 7:基于单质点模型时程反应分析对判定标准的验证
摘 要

(织本结构设计, 东京 162-0812)

摘要: 采用单质点模型进行地震时程反应分析,并通过响应位移角验证基于抗震性能等级“简易法”的判定标准值的有效性.

关键词: 性能设计; 静力设计; 中低层建筑; 抗震性能等级; 位移角; 时程反应分析; 单质点模型

中图分类号:TU318+. 4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)04-0036-04

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. JSCA2310

Commentary to the 2021 edition of the JSCA performance-based seismic design manual

part 7:verification of judgment criteria by seismic response

analysis of single mass model and simple indexes


(Orimoto Stractural Engineers Inc. , Tokyo 162-0812, Japan)

Abstract:Seismic response analysis is performed using a single mass model, and the validity of the evaluation criteria valueof performance-based design simplification method is verified by the response drift angle.

Keywords:performance-based design; static design; low or middle-rise building; seismic performance level; story drift;time history analysis; single-degree-of-freedom system


[引用本文] 小林光男,等. 2021 年版日本抗震性能化设计手册解读 7:基于单质点模型时程反应分析对判定标准的验证[ J]. 建筑结构,2023,53(4):36-39,24. Mitsuo KOBAYASHI. Commentary to the 2021 edition of the JSCAperformance-based seismic design manual part 7:verification of judgment criteria by seismic response analysis of single massmodel and simple indexes[J]. Building Structure,2023,53(4):36-39,24.



