您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2023年>> 第05期>>正文内容
盛学庆1, 曾 聪2, 潘胜军1, 陈佳慧1
摘 要

(1 杭州市电力设计院有限公司, 杭州 310014; 2 东北电力大学建筑工程学院, 吉林 132012)

摘要: 当前钢结构装配式变电站仍存在围护结构装配化程度低、主体结构防火构造与围护结构不匹配等技术问题,基于此,提出了一种适用于钢结构装配式变电站的一体化围护结构,一方面实现对梁柱的防火保护,同时也可以实现防火板与墙板的一体化. 对单榀钢框架进行了足尺抗火试验,并对不同厚度蒸压轻质混凝土防火板(ALC板)的抗火性能进行了有限元分析. 结果表明:由 50mm 厚 ALC 板+50mm 厚岩棉层+50mm 厚 ALC 板组成的一体化墙板和使用 100mm 厚 ALC 板作为梁柱防火板的主体结构均能满足 ISO-834 标准火灾模拟下的耐火极限要求.

关键词: 装配式变电站; 钢结构; 一体化围护体系; 抗火性能; 蒸压轻质混凝土板

中图分类号:TU398. 9 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)05-0098-05

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. LS210277

Study on fire resistance performance on integrated enclosure structure of steel prefabricated transformer substation

SHENG Xueqing1, ZENG Cong2, PAN Shengjun1, CHEN Jiahui1

(1 Hangzhou Electric Power Design Institute Co. , Ltd. , Hangzhou 310014, China;2 School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Northeast Electric Power University, Jilin 132012, China)

Abstract: The present steel prefabricated transformer substation still have some technical problems, such as low assemblingdegree of enclosure structure and mismatching of main structure fire prevention structure and enclosure structure. Based onthis, an integrated enclosure structure for steel prefabricated transformer substation was proposed. It can realize the fireprotection of the beams and columns, and also integrate fire prevention board with wall panel at the same time. A full-scalefire resistance test was carried out on the single-thickness steel frame, and the fire resistance performance of autoclavedlightweight concrete board (ALC board) with different thicknesses was analyzed by finite element method. The results showthat the integrated wall board composed of 50mm ALC board + 50mm rock wool layer + 50mm ALC board and the mainstructure using 100mm ALC board as the fire prevention board can meet the fire resistance limit requirements under firesimulation in standard ISO-834.

Keywords: prefabricated transformer substation; steel structure; integrated enclosure structure; fire resistanceperformance; autoclaved lightweight concrete board


第一作者:盛学庆,硕士,正高级工程师,主要从事土建设计及管理,Email: sxq_ks@ 163. com.

[引用本文] 盛学庆,曾聪,潘胜军,等. 钢结构装配式变电站一体化围护结构抗火性能研究[J]. 建筑结构,2023,53(5):98-102. SHENG Xueqing,ZENG Cong ,PAN Shengjun,et al. Study on fire resistance performance on integratedenclosure structure of steel prefabricated transformer substation[J]. Building Structure,2023,53(5):98-102.



