您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2023年>> 第05期>>正文内容
傅 强1, 丁 陶1, 朱 彤2, 张士前3
摘 要

(1 同济大学土木工程学院建筑工程系, 上海 200092; 2 中国建筑股份有限公司, 北京 100029;3 中国建筑第八工程局有限公司, 上海 200112)

摘要: 为探究竖向分布钢筋不连接装配整体式剪力墙(简称 SGBL 装配整体式剪力墙)平面外稳定性进而为墙体厚度取值提出建议,依据 SGBL 整体式剪力墙构造特点,对不同支承条件下 SGBL 装配整体式剪力墙的边界进行合理简化,基于压杆稳定理论和薄板屈曲理论,建立不同支承条件下 SGBL 装配整体式剪力墙平面外稳定性验算方法,且与《高规》中稳定性验算公式进行了比较. 结果表明,采用本文所提公式计算的计算长度系数 β 值为《高规》计算结果的 1. 01~ 1. 2 倍,偏于安全. SGBL 装配整体式剪力墙平面外稳定性验算方法可供实际工程设计借鉴.

关键词: SGBL 装配整体式剪力墙; 竖向分布钢筋不连接; 平面外稳定性; 验算方法

中图分类号:TU318 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)05-0024-06

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20221432

Out-of-plane stability analysis of monolithic assembled concrete shear wall with non-connected vertical distribution reinforcement

FU Qiang1, DING Tao1, ZHU Tong2, ZHANG Shiqian3

(1 Department of Structural Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;2 China State Construction Engineering Corporation, Beijing 100029, China;3 China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai 200112, China)

Abstract: In order to analyze the out-of-plane stability of monolithic assembled concrete shear wall with non-connectedvertical distribution reinforcement (SGBL monolithic assembly shear wall) and put forward suggestions for the value of wallthickness, the boundary under different support conditions of SGBL monolithic assembly shear wall were reasonablysimplified based on the structural characteristics of SGBL monolithic assembly shear wall. The method of checking the outof-plane stability of SGBL monolithic assembly shear wall under different supporting conditions was established based on thecompression bar stability theory and the buckling theory of thin plate, and compared with the stability calculation formula inTechnical specification for concrete structures of tall building. The results show the length coefficient β calculated by usingthe article proposed the formula is 1. 01~ 1. 2 times of calculation results of Technical specification for concrete structures oftall building, which has a sufficient safety guarantee. The out-of-plane stability checking method of SGBL monolithicassembly shear wall can be used for reference in practical engineering design.

Keywords: SGBL monolithic assembled shear wall; unconnected vertical distribution bars; out-of-plane stability;calculation method


第一作者:傅强,博士研究生,主要从事结构工程研究,Email:1910327@ tongji. edu. cn.

[引用本文] 傅强,丁陶,朱彤,等. 竖向分布钢筋不连接装配整体式剪力墙平面外稳定性分析[ J]. 建筑结构,2023,53 ( 5): 24-29. FU Qiang,DING Tao, ZHU Tong, et al. Out-of-plane stability analysis of monolithic assembledconcrete shear wall with non-connected vertical distribution reinforcement [J]. Building Structure,2023,53(5):24-29



