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《竖向分布钢筋不连接装配整体式混凝土剪力墙结构技术规程》 (T / CECS 795—2021)介绍
顾祥林1, 肖绪文1,2, 亓立刚3, 张士前3, 杨 起3, 廖显东3, 李 厂3
摘 要

(1 同济大学土木工程学院建筑工程系, 上海 200092; 2 中国建筑股份有限公司,北京 100029; 3 中国建筑第八工程局有限公司, 上海 200112)

摘要: 重点介绍了中国工程建设标准化协会标准《竖向分布钢筋不连接装配整体式混凝土剪力墙结构技术规程》(T/ CECS 795—2021)编制的基本情况,阐述了该技术规程的特色和主要内容. 该技术规程中对竖向分布钢筋不连接装配整体式剪力墙结构(SGBL 装配整体式剪力墙结构)给出了准确定义. 从理论、技术、软件三个角度总结了SGBL 装配整体式剪力墙结构的先进性和科学性,阐述了该结构的可协同性及可操作性,详细解释了 SGBL 装配整体式剪力墙结构的结构构成、构件设计、连接与构造措施等,并对所涉及的构件生产、施工和验收流程作了详细说明,突出强调了坐浆施工及边缘构件施工相关的操作要求,为广大工程人员更好理解该技术规程提供参考.

关键词: SGBL 装配整体式剪力墙; 技术规程; 竖向分布钢筋不连接; 坐浆

中图分类号:TU318+. 4 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)05-0001-06

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20221481

Introduction to Technical specification for monolithic assembled concrete shear wall structure with non-connected vertical distribution reinforcement(T/ CECS 795—2021)

GU Xianglin1, XIAO Xuwen1,2, QI Ligang3, ZHANG Shiqian3, YANG Qi3, LIAO Xiandong3, LI Chang3

(1 Department of Structural Engineering, College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China;2 China State Construction Engineering Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100029, China; 3 China ConstructionEighth Engineering Division Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai 200112, China)

Abstract: The basic information of Technical specification for monolithic assembled concrete shear wall structure with non-connected vertical distribution reinforcement ( T/ CECS 795—2021) which has been listed by China Association forEngineering Construction Standardization was mainly introduced and its features and main contents were elaborated. In thetechnical specification, the precise definition was given for the monolithic assembled concrete shear wall structure withnon-connected vertical distribution reinforcement (SGBL monolithic assembly shear wall structure). The advancement andscientific nature of SGBL monolithic assembly shear wall structure were summarized from the three perspectives of theory,technology and software application, synergy and operability were indicated as well. The structural composition, componentdesign, connection and constructional measure of SGBL monolithic assembly shear wall structure were delineated in detail.Moreover, the involved links of component production, construction and acceptance were illustrated in detail, and therelevant operation requirements of cement-based grouts and edge member construction were especially stressed, whichprovides reference for engineering personnel to better understand the specification.

Keywords: SGBL monolithic assembled shear wall; technical specification; non-connected vertical distributionreinforcement; cement-based grouts

∗国家自然科学基金项目(52078360),中国建筑第八工程局有限公司科研课题:装配式建筑产业一体化技术研究 (2020-3-59).

第一作者:顾祥林,博士,教授,主要从事结构全寿命维护、新材料和结构体系等研究,Email:gxl@ tongji. edu. cn.

[引用本文] 顾祥林,肖绪文,亓立刚,等. 《竖向分布钢筋不连接装配整体式混凝土剪力墙结构技术规程》 (T/CECS 795—2021)介绍[J]. 建筑结构,2023,53(5):1-6,35. GU Xianglin, XIAO Xuwen QI Ligang,et al. Introductionto Technical specification for monolithic assembled concrete shear wall structure with non-connected vertical distributionreinforcement(T/ CECS 795—2021)[J]. Building Structure,2023,53(5):1-6,35.



