您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2023年>> 第06期>>正文内容
王 猛1, 王 彬2, 张发强3,4, 李夏杰1
摘 要

(1 北京建工集团有限责任公司, 北京 100055; 2 亚太建设科技信息研究院有限公司, 北京 100120;3 河北省土木工程灾变控制与灾害应急重点实验室, 廊坊 065201; 4 华北科技学院建筑工程学院,廊坊 065201)

摘要: 北京工人体育场改造复建项目屋面采用聚碳酸酯波形板,对单块跨度 3. 5m 的聚碳酸酯波形板分别进行了弹性阶段和破坏阶段的力学性能试验. 试验通过设置不同数量支座以模拟不同跨度的聚碳酸酯波形板,试件分别是 2 支座约束的单跨板和 3 支座约束的双跨板,并根据项目的聚碳酸酯波形板实际安装情况,设置了水平和倾角安装方式. 结果表明:在弹性阶段,3 支座约束的双跨板刚度和承载能力显著增强;倾角安装方式下 2 支座约束的单跨板刚度大于水平安装方式,水平安装方式的双跨板在前 6 级加载下的刚度大于倾角安装方式. 水平安装方式的双跨板破坏形式为局部发生断裂的脆性破坏,破坏时试验加载荷载为 2. 05kPa,最大应力为 12. 32MPa. 研究结果表明 3 支座约束的双跨板在水平安装方式下的使用性能更优.

关键词: 北京工人体育场; 聚碳酸酯波形板; 力学性能; 约束类型

中图分类号:TU767+. 5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)06-0059-06

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. ZJ220109

Experimental study on mechanical properties of polycarbonate corrugated board for the roof of Beijing Workers Stadium

WANG Meng1, WANG Bin2, ZHANG Faqiang3,4, LI Xiajie1

(1 Beijing Construction Engineering Group Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100055, China; 2 Yatai Construction Science &Technology Consulting Institute Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100120, China; 3 Hebei Key Laboratory of Civil EngineeringCatastrophe Control and Disaster Emergency Response, Langfang 065201, China; 4 Architectural EngineeringCollege, North China Institute of Science and Technology, Langfang 065201, China)

Abstract: The roof of the Beijing Workers' Stadium renovation and rehabilitation project adopts polycarbonate corrugatedboards, and the experimental on mechanical properties of the single polycarbonate corrugated board with a span of 3. 5mwere tested in the elastic stage and the failure stage respectively. The test set up different numbers of supports to simulatedifferent spans of polycarbonate corrugated board, the test specimens were 2-support constrained single-span plate and 3-support constrained double-span plate, and according to the actual installation of the project engineering polycarbonatecorrugated board, horizontal and inclined installation methods were set up. The results show that the stiffness and bearingcapacity of the 3-support constrained double-span plate is significantly enhanced in the elastic stage. The stiffness of the 2-support constrained single-span plate under the inclination installation method is greater than that of the horizontalinstallation method, the double-span plate of the horizontal installation method has a greater stiffness than the inclinationinstallation method under the first 6 stages of loading. The double-span plate failure form of the horizontal installationmethod is the brittle failure of local fracture, and the test load is 2. 05kPa and the maximum stress is 12. 32MPa. Theresults show that the 3-support constrained double-span plate is better in horizontal installation.

Keywords:Beijing Workers Stadium; polycarbonate corrugated board; mechanical properties; constraint type


第一作者:王猛,学士,高级工程师,主要从事大型体育场馆施工工作,Email:13693637969@ 163. com.

[引用本文] 王猛,王彬,张发强,等. 北京工人体育场屋面聚碳酸酯波形板力学性能试验研究[ J]. 建筑结构,2023,53(6):59-64,136. WANG Meng,WANG Bin,ZHANG Faqiang,et al. Experimental study on mechanical propertiesof polycarbonate corrugated board for the roof of Beijing Workers Stadium [ J]. Building Structure, 2023, 53 ( 6): 59-64,136



