您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2023年>> 第06期>>正文内容
李 欣1, 王 猛1, 张发强2,3, 宫富强1
摘 要

(1 北京建工集团有限责任公司, 北京 100055; 2 河北省土木工程灾变控制与灾害应急重点实验室, 廊坊 065201; 3 华北科技学院建筑工程学院, 廊坊 065201)

摘要: 早期建设的大型体育场馆面临着结构耐久性已达安全使用下限、系统的设备升级改造、人流疏导与现代交通系统接驳、文化消费提升等问题,需要拆除复建. 以北京工人体育场拆除施工为例,比选了爆破拆除、静力拆除、机械拆除 3 种方案,最终采取机械拆除方案;通过有限元软件 MIDAS Gen 对 3 种不同拆除工况采取移除构件法进行拆除施工仿真计算,结果表明采取从高到低、逐跨逐间、先内后外的拆除工况最为合理;并对该种工况选取 3 个不同步骤进行连续倒塌分析,描述了预应力梭形灯架、钢结构挑梁、主体看台区的拆除施工工艺,为北京工人体育场拆除施工提供技术支撑.

关键词: 北京工人体育场; 大型体育场馆; 机械拆除; 施工仿真计算

中图分类号:TU746. 3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)06-0006-06

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. ZJ220106

Discussion on simulation and scheme optimization of large stadium demolition construction

LI Xin1, WANG Meng1, ZHANG Faqiang2,3, GONG Fuqiang1

(1 Beijing Construction Engineering Group Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 100055, China; 2 Hebei Key Laboratory of CivilEngineering Catastrophe Control and Disaster Emergency Response, Langfang 065201, China; 3 Architectural EngineeringCollege, North China Institute of Science and Technology, Langfang 065201, China)

Abstract: The large stadiums built in the early days are faced with problems such as the structural durability has reachedthe lower limit of safe use, the upgrading and transformation of the system equipment, the connection between the flow ofpeople and the modern transportation system, and the promotion of cultural consumption,which need to be demolished andrebuilt. Taking the demolition construction of Beijing Workers Stadium as an example, three schemes of blastingdemolition, static demolition and mechanical demolition were compared and selected, and the mechanical demolitionscheme was adopted finally. The removal of components method were adopted to carry out the demolition constructionsimulation calculation for three different demolition conditions by finite element software MIDAS Gen. The results show thatthe demolition conditions from high to low, span by span, first inside and then outside are the most reasonable. Threedifferent steps were selected for continuous collapse analysis in this condition, and the demolition construction technology ofprestressed spindle light frame, steel structure beam and main stand area were described, which provides technical supportfor the demolition construction of Beijing Workers Stadium.

Keywords:Beijing Workers Stadium; large stadium; mechanical demolition; construction simulation calculation


第一作者:李欣,硕士,高级工程师,主要从事大型公建项目建造及施工研究,Email:1710941523@ qq. com.

[引用本文] 李欣,王猛,张发强,等. 大型体育场馆拆除施工仿真与方案优化探讨[J]. 建筑结构,2023,53(6):6-11. LI Xin,WANG Meng,ZHANG Faqiang, et al. Discussion on simulation and scheme optimization of large stadiumdemolition construction[J]. Building Structure,2023,53(6):6-11.



