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单边螺栓-T 形件连接节点滞回性能试验研究
张玉芬1, 王 夺2, 高嘉岐1, 苗云森2, 胡和涛2
摘 要

(1 河北工业大学土木与交通学院, 天津 300401; 2 中国建筑一局 (集团) 有限公司, 北京 102600)

摘要: 基于复式钢管混凝土双层钢管的截面特点,设计了单边螺栓-T 形件连接节点,并对 5 个单边螺栓-T 形件连接节点和 1 个穿芯螺栓-T 形件连接节点进行了低周往复荷载试验. 通过数字散斑相关方法(DSCM)得到了试件的弯矩-转角变化关系曲线. 结果表明:试件滞回曲线均呈饱满 Z 形,节点破坏形态为 T 形件翼缘屈服后钢梁塑性变形,T 形件因不同的加肋方式出现了三种变形特征. 除了 T 形件翼缘厚度较薄且未加肋的试件为部分强度半刚性节点外,其余节点试件均为全强度半刚性节点;加肋 T 形件节点比无肋试件极限承载力提高了 30%,但延性明显降低;对比穿芯螺栓-T 形件连接节点,单边螺栓栓-T 形件连接节点初始刚度略低、承载力相当,但变形能力明显提高,滞回性能得到改善;往复荷载下单边螺栓-T 形件连接节点为拉压交替式工作,受拉螺栓能够得到较强的锚固连接强度,单边螺栓-T 形件连接节点在复式钢管混凝土结构中传力可靠,结构整体性较好.

关键词: 单边螺栓; T 形件; 低周往复荷载试验; 滞回性能; 承载力; 延性

中图分类号:TU312+. 3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1002-848X(2023)10-0055-07

DOI:10. 19701 / j. jzjg. 20210513

Experimental study on hysteresis behaviors of T-stub joints with single-side bolt

ZHANG Yufen1, WANG Duo2, GAO Jiaqi1, MIAO Yunsen2, HU Hetao2

(1 School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hebei University of Technology, Tianjin 300401, China;2 China Construction First Engineering Bureau (Group) Co. , Ltd. , Beijing 102600, China)

Abstract: Based on the section characteristics of double steel tubes in composite concrete-filled steel tubular ( CFST)columns, T-stub joints with single-side bolt were designed. Five T-stub joints with single-side bolt and one T-stub jointswith core bolt were tested under low cycle reciprocating load. The bending moment-rotation curves were obtained by thedigital speckle correlation method ( DSCM). The results show that hysteretic curves of the specimens are all full inZ-shape. The failure mode of the joints is the plastic deformation of the steel beam flange after yielding of T-stub. T-stubsfailed as three deformation characteristics due to different ribbed types. Except for the specimens with thin T-shaped flangethickness and no ribs, they are semi-rigid joints of partial strength, and the other specimens are full strength semi-rigidjoints. The ultimate bearing capacity of the ribbed T-stub joint was increased by 30% than that of the unribbed specimens,but the ductility is significantly reduced. Compared to the T-stub joints with core bolt, the initial stiffness of T-stub jointswith single-side bolt is reduced slightly and the bearing capacity is almost the same, while deformation ability and hystereticproperty are improved obviously. T-stub joints with single-side bolt worked alternately in tension and compression underreciprocating load, and tensile blind bolts could achieve strong anchorage connection strength. T-stub joints with single-sidebolt in double steel tubes in composite CFST structure have reliable force transferring and good structural integrity.

Keywords:single-side bolt; T-stub; low cycle reciprocating loading test; hysteresis behavior; bearing capacity; ductility


第一作者:张玉芬,博士,教授,博士生导师,主要从事钢-混组合结构研究,Email: 13522998929@ 163. com.

[引用本文] 张玉芬,王夺,高嘉岐,等. 单边螺栓-T 形件连接节点滞回性能试验研究[ J]. 建筑结构,2023,53(10):55-61. ZHANG Yufen,WANG Duo,GAO Jiaqi,et al. Experimental study on hysteresis behaviors of T-stub jointswith single-side bolt[J]. Building Structure,2023,53(10):55-61.



