您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2021年>> 第10期>>正文内容
摘 要

(中铁第四勘察设计院集团有限公司, 武汉 430063)





Experimental study on seismic performance of seismic-damaged reinforced concrete column strengthened by CFRP

WANG Jialei

(China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430063, China)

Abstract:In order to study the influence of different CFRP reinforcement methods on the seismic performance of seismic-damaged reinforced concrete columns. Based on the current design codes, three seismic-damaged reinforced concrete column specimens were reinforced and repaired by three methods: high-strength grouting reinforcement, transverse CFRP hoop reinforcement, and transverse CFRP hoop reinforcement combined with longitudinal paste CFRP reinforcement. A low-cycle repeated load test of reinforced concrete columns after reinforcement was carried out to investigate the seismic performance of the reinforced specimens, and the influence of different reinforcement methods on the seismic performance of specimens was compared and analyzed. The research results show that the seismic-damaged specimens repaired by the three reinforcement methods all show bending failure under the combined stress of compression, bending and shear, which meets the seismic design requirements of “strong shear and weak bending”. The ductility of the seismic-damaged specimens strengthened by CFRP is significantly improved, and the stiffness degradation and strength degradation tend to be uniform, but the bearing capacity and initial stiffness are lower than the specimens before reinforcement. Among the three reinforced specimens, the specimens strengthen by transverse CFRP hoop have a higher level of ductility and bearing capacity recovery, and the specimens strengthen by transverse CFRP hoop combined with longitudinal paste CFRP have higher bearing capacity and rigidity.

Keywords:CFRP strengthening;seismic-damage;reinforced concrete column;seismic performance;high-strength grouting;transverse hoop;strong shear and weak bending





