您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2005年>> 第12期>>正文内容
摘 要

(北京大学力学与工程科学系  100871)
【提要】  以分别具有下凹和上凸形状膜结构罩篷的山东招远和四川达州体育场为例,通过风洞试验模拟的方法对比研究了这两种体育场罩篷的风荷载特性。试验结果表明,两种膜结构在各个风向角下,上风向罩蓬的风压分布都比较均匀,并且负压峰值都位于下风向罩篷的前檐附近;下凹形膜结构受到风荷载作用时的下压力要比上凸形膜结构的大,而上吸力要比上凸结构的小。
【关键词】  膜结构  风荷载  风洞模拟  下凹  上凸
Wind Loading Behaviour Comparison of Membrane Cantilever Structures with Concave and Conex Shape in Stadiums/Luo Wenlin,Chen Xuerui,Li Yan,Gu Zhifu(Dept.of Mechanics and Engineering Science,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
Abstract:By means of wind tunnel simulation,characteristics of wind loading on membrane cantilever structures of concave and convex shape are studied corresponding to Zhaoyuan and Dazhou Stadium in China.The result shows that the wind pressure distributions on upstream cantilever structures are rather smooth at various wind angles of attack.The local peak negative pressure usually locates in leading eave of the downstream membrane structure unit.The significant difference of wind loading of these two kinds of structures is that the positive pressure on the concave structure is greater than that on the convex one,and the reverse for the negative pressure is true.
Keywords:membrane structure;wind loading;concave;convex;windtunnel



