您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2020年>> 第18期>>正文内容
摘 要

(1 华东建筑设计研究院有限公司上海地下空间与工程设计研究院, 上海 200002;2 上海基坑工程环境安全控制工程技术研究中心, 上海 200002)

[摘要]上海国际金融中心设置5层地下室,基坑总面积为48 860m2,周长约为950m,基坑普遍区域挖深为26.5m,以此超深大基坑为工程背景,分析了软土层中顺逆作分区交叉实施的基坑变形特性。结果表明:顺作区和逆作区外围地下连续墙各测点的侧向位移规律相似,最终变形形态为“纺锤形”,且变形空间效应显著; 逆作区受顺作区开挖卸荷及时间效应的影响,侧向位移增量较大,逆作区开挖对已完成地下结构施工的顺作区影响有限,中隔墙在逆作区开挖期间墙体产生侧向位移回复趋势; 顺、逆作区墙后地表沉降分布形态相似,均呈现凹槽形,且无量纲化的地表沉降曲线均位于上海地区地表沉降统计的包络线范围内; 在顺作施工而逆作区处于暂停状态期间,逆作区地表沉降发展显著。

[关键词]上海国际金融中心; 基坑工程; 顺作法; 逆作法; 围护墙变形; 地表沉降



Field measurement and analysis on deformation behavior of extreme deep and large foundation pit engineering of Shanghai International Financial Center

WANG Weidong1,2, XU Zhonghua1,2, ZONG Ludan1,2, CHEN Yongcai1,2

(1 Shanghai Underground Space Engineering Design & Research Institute, East China Architecture Design & Research Institute  Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200002, China;  2 Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Safety Control for  Facilities Adjacent to Deep Excavations, Shanghai 200002, China)

Abstract:The Shanghai International Finance Center has five basements. The total area of the foundation pit is 48 860m2, the circumference is about 950m, and the general area of the foundation pit is 26.5m deep. Taking the extreme deep and large foundation pit as the engineering background, the deformation characteristics of foundation pit constructed by top-down and down-top method in soft soil were analyzed. The results show that the lateral deformation rules of the underground continuous retaining wall at the periphery of the bottom-up construction area and top-down construction area are similar, and the final deformation form is “spindle”, and the deformation space effect is significant. The lateral deformation increment is large in the top-down construction area which is affected by the excavation unloading and the time effect of the bottom-up construction area. The excavation of the top-down construction area has limited impact on the bottom-up construction area of the completed underground structure construction. The middle partition wall has a trend of lateral deformation recovery during the period of excavation in the top-down construction area. The distribution of surface settlement behind the wall in the bottom-up construction and top-down construction areas is similar, showing a groove shape, and the non-dimensional surface settlement curves are within the envelope of the surface settlement statistics in the Shanghai area. During the period of bottom-up construction when the top-down construction is suspended, the surface settlement of the top-down construction area has developed significantly.

Keywords:Shanghai International Financial Center; foundation pit engineering; bottom-up construction method; top-down construction method; retaining wall deformation; ground settlement 




作者简介:王卫东,博士,教授级高级工程师,一级注册结构工程师,Email:weidong_wang@arcplus.com.cn; 通信作者:宗露丹,硕士,工程师,Email: ludan_z@arcplus.com.cn。



