您现在的位置:建筑结构>> 期 刊>> 2005年>> 第12期>>正文内容
摘 要

(北京市建筑设计研究院  100045)
【提要】  青岛市委党校健身会议综合楼需进行加层改造,新加楼层结构柱截面保证了受力要求和施工方便。介绍了后建楼层梁与原剪力墙拉接节点的做法及抗风柱与网架选型的原则与连接方法。原工程的基础不需要加固处理。工程使用情况良好,设计经验可供参考。
【关键词】  改造  拉结  设计构造与施工作法

Design and Construction Measures of Additive Floor and Modification Works of a Frameshear Wall Structure/Liu Zheng(Beijing Institute of Architecture Design and Research,Beijing 100045,China)
Abstract:The design and construction measures of additive floor structure and modification of the complex building in the communist party school in Qingdao are introduced.The additive column sections can meet the bearing and construction demands.The connection of the beam of additive floor and original shear wall,and the principle of structural column and web frame type choices are introduced.The original foundation work does not need to be strengthened.The design experience can be a reference for similar engineering.
Keywords:rehabilitation;combine tensely;design and construction;measures



