- 摘 要
(1 安阳工学院土木与建筑工程学院, 安阳 455000; 2 安阳工学院结构重点实验室, 安阳 455000; 3 西安建筑科技大学土木工程学院, 西安 710055)
[关键词]高强钢筋; 密肋梁楼盖; 平面内刚度; 水平剪力分配
Experimental study on in-plane stiffness of high strength steel rebar ribbed beam concrete floor
Zheng Xianchao1,2, Zhang Ling1, Zhao Jun1, Li Qingning3
(1 Architectural Engineering Institute, Anyang Institute of Technology, Anyang 455000, China;2 Key Structure Laboratory of Anyang Institute of Technology, Anyang 455000, China;3 School of Civil Engineering, Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi′an 710055, China)
Abstract:The in-plane stiffness of a new type of high strength steel rebar ribbed beam concrete slab was tested. The horizontal force distribution of the new ribbed beam floor under various horizontal loads was analyzed, and the deformation ability of the new ribbed beam floor was analyzed. The experiments verified that the in-plane stiffness of the floor is infinitely large and the influence of high strength steel rebar on the in-plane stiffness of the floor is limited. Corresponding suggestions were given, providing reference for the design and application of the new ribbed beam floor system.
Keywords:high strength steel rebar; ribbed beam floor; in-plane stiffness; horizontal shear distribution
*国家自然科学基金项目资助(10572107),河南省高等学校2017重点科研项目(17A560014),安阳工学院博士科研启动基金(BS2016009)。作者简介:郑先超,博士研究生,Email: zhxch603@126.com。