- 摘 要
(1 郑州大学土木工程学院, 郑州 450000; 2 郑州大学综合设计研究院, 郑州 450000)
[关键词]全轻骨料混凝土; 预制墙板; 受弯性能; 柔性连接
中图分类号:TU375-2, TU528-2文献标识码:A文章编号:1002-848X(2019)21-0099-05
Experimental study on flexural performance of full lightweight aggregate concrete prefabricated wallboard under flexible connection
Chen Meng1, Li Xuejia1, Yu Qiubo1,2, Zhong Xiangwei1
(1 School of Civil Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450000, China; 2 Zhengzhou University Multi-functional Design and Research Academy Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450000, China)
Abstract:A flexible connection method of embedded wallboard was designed. The flexural bearing capacity of six full lightweight shale ceramsite prefabricated wallboard under this flexible connection was tested. The main parameters are the location and number of joints between frame beam and prefabricated wallboard and the openings of window in wallboard. The load-deflection curve, load-strain curve and ultimate bearing capacity of wallboard were systematically analyzed. The results show that the designed flexible connection meets the requirements of the bearing capacity of wallboard; the location and number of the joints of wallboard connections have significant effects on the cracking load, deflection, ultimate flexural bearing capacity and failure state of wallboard; because the reinforcement is dense and the stiffness is strengthened, the adverse effect of the opening of window on the bearing capacity of the wallboard is weakened. All wallboards are not destroyed under the normal ultimate load, and the deflection meets the requirements of the code.
Keywords:full lightweight aggregate concrete; prefabricated wallboard; flexural performance; flexible connection