- 摘 要
(1 南京工大建设工程技术有限公司, 南京 210000; 2 南京工业大学土木工程学院, 南京 211816)
[关键词]间隙式黏滞阻尼器; 黏度; 滞回曲线; 阻尼指数; Maxwell模型
Experimental study on mechanical performance of clearance viscous dampers with different damping fluids
Miao Miao1, Xu Weizhi2, Wang Shuguang2, Du Dongsheng2
(1 Nanjing Gongda Construction Technology Co., Ltd., Nanjing 210000, China; 2 College of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China)
Abstract:Three clearance viscous dampers were designed and manufactured with same structural parameters and different damping fluids. The low-cycle reciprocating test and fatigue resistance test of these three types of viscous dampers under different loading frequencies were carried out. The hysteresis characteristics were analyzed and the equivalent energy dissipation coefficients, the damping coefficient and the damping exponent were derived and fitted according to the experiment results. The results show that the clearance viscous dampers get full hysteresis curves and can effectively dissipate energy at small displacement stage. With the increase of kinematic viscosity of the viscous fluid, the damping coefficient increases and the damping exponent decreases. The damping force doesn′t attenuate after 30 reciprocating cycles of loading, indicating that these three dampers get good fatigue resistance capacity. The experimental results are in good agreement with Maxwell model.
Keywords:clearance viscous damper; viscosity; hysteresis curve; damping exponent; Maxwell model